
Implementation of Conway's Game of Life writen in C
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pattern.h (5608B)

      1 /**
      2  * @file pattern.h
      3  * @author Dimitrije Dobrota
      4  * @date 19 June 2022
      5  * @brief Pattern interface and types
      6  */
      8 #ifndef PATTERN_H
      9 #define PATTERN_H
     11 #include <stdlib.h>
     13 /**
     14  * @brief Structure representing one cell pattern to be used in the help menu
     15  */
     16 typedef struct pattern_T {
     17   char *cells;  ///< string where 1 represents a living cell and 0 a dead one,
     18                 /// space is used to detonate a new row
     19   char *name;   ///< name of the pattern
     20   int   height; ///< pattern height , used for cache, no need to fill manually
     21   int   width;  ///< pattern width , used for cache, no need to fill manually
     22 } * pattern_T;
     24 /// Game title using cells
     25 struct pattern_T title = {
     26     "011111000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000 "
     27     "100000100011000100001011111100000111100111111000010000000101111110111111 "
     28     "100000000100100110011010000000001000010100000000010000000101000000100000 "
     29     "100111101000010101101011111000001000010111110000010000000101111100111110 "
     30     "100000101111110100001010000000001000010100000000010000000101000000100000 "
     31     "100000101000010100001010000000001000010100000000010000000101000000100000 "
     32     "011111001000010100001011111100000111100100000000011111110101000000111111 ",
     33     "Title",
     34     0,
     35     0,
     36 };
     38 /// Game keybindings
     39 struct pattern_T games[] = {
     40     {      "",                     "Game", 0, 0},
     41     {     "p",               "play/pause", 0, 0},
     42     {  "wasd",              "move cursor", 0, 0},
     43     {"arrows",              "move screen", 0, 0},
     44     {     "q",                     "quit", 0, 0},
     45     { "space",              "toggle cell", 0, 0},
     46     {     "v",            "visual select", 0, 0},
     47     {     "-", "decrease generation step", 0, 0},
     48     {     "+", "increase generation step", 0, 0},
     49     {     "[",         "decrease dt step", 0, 0},
     50     {     "]",         "increase dt step", 0, 0},
     51     {      "",                         "", 0, 0},
     52     {      "",            "Visual select", 0, 0},
     53     { "enter",                     "save", 0, 0},
     54     {     "x",                   "delete", 0, 0},
     55     {     "t",                   "toggle", 0, 0},
     56     {     "q",                   "cancel", 0, 0},
     57 };
     59 /// Still cell patterns
     60 struct pattern_T stills[] = {
     61     {                  "11 11",      "block", 0, 0},
     62     {              "1011 1101",      "Snake", 0, 0},
     63     {            "010 101 010",        "Tub", 0, 0},
     64     {            "110 101 010",       "Boat", 0, 0},
     65     {         "0110 1001 0110",    "Beehive", 0, 0},
     66     {         "1100 1001 0011",    "Carrier", 0, 0},
     67     {      "11000 10011 01101", "Shillelagh", 0, 0},
     68     {     "110 1001 1001 0110",       "Pond", 0, 0},
     69     {    "0010 0101 1010 0100",      "Barge", 0, 0},
     70     {    "0010 0101 1010 1100",  "Long boat", 0, 0},
     71     {    "0110 1001 0101 0010",       "Loaf", 0, 0},
     72     {"00100 01010 01010 11011",        "Hat", 0, 0},
     73 };
     75 /// Oscillator cell patterns
     76 struct pattern_T oscillators[] = {
     77     {                                   "0111 1110",           "Toad", 0, 0},
     78     {                                 "010 010 010",        "Blinker", 0, 0},
     79     {                         "0010 1010 0101 0100",          "Clock", 0, 0},
     80     {                         "0011 0001 1000 1100",         "Beacon", 0, 0},
     81     {            "0010000100 1101111011 0010000100", "Pentadecathlon", 0, 0},
     82     {   "110000 110100 000010 010000 001011 000011",   "Figure eight", 0, 0},
     83     {"11000011 10100101 00100100 10100101 11000011",     "Spark coil", 0, 0},
     84 };
     86 /// Spaceship cell patterns
     87 struct pattern_T spaceships[] = {
     88     {                            "010 001 111",       "Glider", 0},
     89     {                "01001 10000 10001 11110",  "Lightweight", 0},
     90     {     "000100 010001 100000 100001 111110", "Mediumweight", 0},
     91     {"0001100 0100001 1000000 1000001 1111110",  "Heavyweight", 0},
     92 };
     94 /// Methuselah cell patterns
     95 struct pattern_T methuselahs[] = {
     96     {               "111 101 101",         "Piheptomino", 0},
     97     {            "1011 1110 0100",         "B-Heptomino", 0},
     98     {         "11001 10001 10011", "Glider by the dozen", 0},
     99     {       "111 000 010 010 010",         "Thunderbird", 0},
    100     {   "0100000 0001000 1100111",               "Acorn", 0},
    101     {"00000010 11000000 01000111",             "Diehard", 0},
    102 };
    104 /**
    105  * @brief A structure representing a group of pattern_T of a certain category
    106  */
    107 typedef struct pattern_group_T {
    108   char             *name;    ///< name of the group
    109   struct pattern_T *pattern; ///< array of pattern_T that comprise a group
    110   int               size;    ///< number of elements in a group
    111 } pattern_group_T;
    113 /// Pattern group containing all of the patterns for the help menu
    114 struct pattern_group_T pattern_groups[] = {
    115     {"Key bindings",       games,       sizeof(games) / sizeof(struct pattern_T)},
    116     {       "Still",      stills,      sizeof(stills) / sizeof(struct pattern_T)},
    117     {  "Oscillator", oscillators, sizeof(oscillators) / sizeof(struct pattern_T)},
    118     {  "Spaceships",  spaceships,  sizeof(spaceships) / sizeof(struct pattern_T)},
    119     {  "Methuselah", methuselahs, sizeof(methuselahs) / sizeof(struct pattern_T)},
    120 };
    122 /// Size of  pattern_groups
    123 int pattern_groups_s = sizeof(pattern_groups) / sizeof(pattern_group_T);
    125 /// Get the pattern height
    126 int pattern_height(pattern_T pattern) {
    127   int count = 0;
    128   for (char *p = pattern->cells; *p != '\0'; p++)
    129     if (*p == ' ')
    130       count++;
    132   return count;
    133 }
    135 /// Get the pattern width
    136 int pattern_width(pattern_T pattern) {
    137   int count = 0;
    138   for (char *p = pattern->cells; *p != ' ' && *p != '\0'; p++)
    139     count++;
    141   return count;
    142 }
    144 #endif