
Implementation of Conway's Game of Life writen in C
git clone git://git.dimitrijedobrota.com/gol.git
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Game of Life Simulation

This is an implementation of Conway's Game of Life in C for a university project

About the Project

This project is command line application written in C using the ncurses library to display GUI in the terminal. Project works both on Unix and Windows systems.



How to build

Clone the repository with, and enter the directory

git clone https://www.github.com/DimitrijeDobrota/GameofLife
cd GameofLife

See Makefile for the build script. To get information about all build options run make help.

To build the project, simply run make at the command line in the current directory.

By default, this will generate an executable called whatever NAME is bound to in Makefile (by default, gol), using CC compiler (by default, gcc). To then run the program, type in


in the project directory.

To compile the debugging version of the executable, run make DEBUG=Y. You can also give the optional parameter NO_UNICODE=Y, to build the executable without Unicode support.

Running the project

In the ./bin directory you will find the executable, and you can run it with


If you are on Windows you can double click on gol.exe inside ./bin and terminal window will pop-up with the game