stellarUCI Chess engine written in C++20 |
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Log | Files | Refs | README | LICENSE | |
commit | 9e584256a9968cd802b09aee85d8ac4d17198df8 |
parent | f96333884510b40fc61c87485601512c3efdebd3 |
author | Dimitrije Dobrota <> |
date | Wed, 21 Sep 2022 10:40:21 +0200 |
Piece types and Board representation
Diffstat:M | src/engine.c | | | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- |
1 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/engine.c b/src/engine.c
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#include <cii/assert.h>
#include <cii/except.h>
#include <cii/mem.h>
// useful macros
@@ -71,8 +70,24 @@ U64 get_random_U64_number() {
return n1 | (n2 << 16) | (n3 << 32) | (n4 << 48);
// board moving
typedef U64 (*direction_f)(U64);
U64 soutOne(U64 b) { return b >> 8; }
U64 nortOne(U64 b) { return b << 8; }
U64 eastOne(U64 b) { return (b & notHFile) << 1; }
U64 westOne(U64 b) { return (b & notAFile) >> 1; }
U64 soEaOne(U64 b) { return (b & notHFile) >> 7; }
U64 soWeOne(U64 b) { return (b & notAFile) >> 9; }
U64 noEaOne(U64 b) { return (b & notHFile) << 9; }
U64 noWeOne(U64 b) { return (b & notAFile) << 7; }
// board rotation
U64 rotateLeft(U64 x, int s) { return (x << s) | (x >> (64 - s)); }
U64 rotateRight(U64 x, int s) { return (x >> s) | (x << (64 - s)); }
// squares
// clang-format off
typedef enum enumSquare Square;
enum enumSquare {
a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1, g1, h1,
a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f2, g2, h2,
@@ -81,7 +96,7 @@ enum enumSquare {
a5, b5, c5, d5, e5, f5, g5, h5,
a6, b6, c6, d6, e6, f6, g6, h6,
a7, b7, c7, d7, e7, f7, g7, h7,
a8, b8, c8, d8, e8, f8, g8, h8
a8, b8, c8, d8, e8, f8, g8, h8, no_sq
const char *square_to_coordinates[]={
@@ -96,54 +111,87 @@ const char *square_to_coordinates[]={
// clang-format on
// board moving
typedef U64 (*direction_f)(U64);
U64 soutOne(U64 b) { return b >> 8; }
U64 nortOne(U64 b) { return b << 8; }
U64 eastOne(U64 b) { return (b & notHFile) << 1; }
U64 westOne(U64 b) { return (b & notAFile) >> 1; }
U64 soEaOne(U64 b) { return (b & notHFile) >> 7; }
U64 soWeOne(U64 b) { return (b & notAFile) >> 9; }
U64 noEaOne(U64 b) { return (b & notHFile) << 9; }
U64 noWeOne(U64 b) { return (b & notAFile) << 7; }
// board rotation
U64 rotateLeft(U64 x, int s) { return (x << s) | (x >> (64 - s)); }
U64 rotateRight(U64 x, int s) { return (x >> s) | (x << (64 - s)); }
// enum types for color and piece type
enum enumColor { WHITE = 0, BLACK };
enum enumPiece { PAWN = 2, KNIGHT, BISHOP, ROOK, QUEEN, KIND };
typedef enum enumColor Color;
typedef enum enumPiece Piece;
typedef enum enumColor eColor;
typedef enum enumPiece ePiece;
// piece representation
typedef struct PieceType *PieceType;
struct PieceType {
Piece piece;
Color color;
typedef struct Piece_T *Piece_T;
struct Piece_T {
ePiece piece;
eColor color;
char code;
char asci;
char *unicode;
int pieceCode(PieceType pt) { return pt->piece; }
int colorCode(PieceType pt) { return pt->color; }
ePiece Piece_piece(Piece_T pt) { return pt->piece; }
eColor Piece_color(Piece_T pt) { return pt->color; }
char Piece_code(Piece_T pt) { return pt->code; }
char Piece_asci(Piece_T pt) { return pt->asci; }
char *Piece_unicode(Piece_T pt) { return pt->unicode; }
// Pieces table [color][piece]
// clang-format off
struct Piece_T Pieces[2][6] = {
{.color = WHITE, .code = 'P', .asci = 'P', .unicode = "♙ ", .piece = PAWN },
{.color = WHITE, .code = 'N', .asci = 'N', .unicode = "♘ ", .piece = KNIGHT },
{.color = WHITE, .code = 'B', .asci = 'B', .unicode = "♗ ", .piece = BISHOP },
{.color = WHITE, .code = 'R', .asci = 'R', .unicode = "♖ ", .piece = ROOK },
{.color = WHITE, .code = 'Q', .asci = 'Q', .unicode = "♕ ", .piece = QUEEN },
{.color = WHITE, .code = 'K', .asci = 'K', .unicode = "♔ ", .piece = KING },
{.color = BLACK, .code = 'p', .asci = 'p', .unicode = "♟ ", .piece = PAWN },
{.color = BLACK, .code = 'n', .asci = 'n', .unicode = "♞ ", .piece = KNIGHT },
{.color = BLACK, .code = 'b', .asci = 'b', .unicode = "♝ ", .piece = BISHOP },
{.color = BLACK, .code = 'r', .asci = 'r', .unicode = "♜ ", .piece = ROOK },
{.color = BLACK, .code = 'q', .asci = 'q', .unicode = "♛ ", .piece = QUEEN },
{.color = BLACK, .code = 'k', .asci = 'k', .unicode = "♚ ", .piece = KING },
// clang-format on
typedef enum enumCastle eCastle;
enum enumCastle { WK = 1, WQ = 2, BK = 4, BQ = 8 };
// board representation
typedef struct CBoard *CBoard;
struct CBoard {
U64 pieceBB[8];
typedef struct CBoard_T *CBoard_T;
struct CBoard_T {
U64 colorBB[2];
U64 pieceBB[6];
eColor side;
Square enpassant;
eCastle castle;
// clang-format off
struct CBoard_T Cboard_new = {
.side = -1,
.enpassant = no_sq,
.castle = 15,
.colorBB = { C64(0x000000000000FFFF), C64(0xFFFF000000000000) },
.pieceBB = { C64(0x00FF00000000FF00), C64(0x4200000000000042),
C64(0x2400000000000024), C64(0x8100000000000081),
C64(0x800000000000008), C64(0x1000000000000010) },
// clang-format on
U64 board_getPieceSet(CBoard self, PieceType pt) {
return self->pieceBB[pieceCode(pt)] & self->pieceBB[colorCode(pt)];
U64 board_getPieceSet(CBoard_T self, Piece_T piece) {
return self->pieceBB[Piece_color(piece)] & self->pieceBB[Piece_color(piece)];
U64 board_getWhitePawns(CBoard self) {
U64 board_getWhitePawns(CBoard_T self) {
return self->pieceBB[PAWN] & self->pieceBB[WHITE];
U64 board_getBlackPawns(CBoard self) {
U64 board_getBlackPawns(CBoard_T self) {
return self->pieceBB[PAWN] & self->pieceBB[BLACK];
U64 board_getPawns(CBoard self, Color ct) {
return self->pieceBB[PAWN] & self->pieceBB[ct];
U64 board_getPawns(CBoard_T self, eColor color) {
return self->pieceBB[PAWN] & self->pieceBB[color];
/* ... */
@@ -475,15 +523,16 @@ void init_all() {
int main(void) {
U64 occupancy = C64(0);
bit_set(occupancy, c5);
bit_set(occupancy, f2);
bit_set(occupancy, g7);
bit_set(occupancy, b2);
bitboard_print(get_bishop_attacks(d4, occupancy));
bitboard_print(get_rook_attacks(e5, occupancy));
printf("%s\n", Piece_unicode(&Pieces[BLACK][BISHOP]));
return 0;