
Solution to some Leetcode problems written in C++
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0493.cpp (1391B)

      1 class SegmentTree {
      2     const int n;
      3     vector<int> t = vector<int>(2 * n, 1);
      5   public:
      6     SegmentTree(const int n) : n(n) {
      7         for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; i--)
      8             t[i] = t[i * 2] + t[i * 2 + 1];
      9     }
     11     int sum(int l, int r) const {
     12         int res = 0;
     14         for (l += n, r += n; l < r; l /= 2, r /= 2) {
     15             if (l & 1) res += t[l++];
     16             if (r & 1) res += t[--r];
     17         }
     19         return res;
     20     }
     22     void update(int p) {
     23         for (t[p += n]--; p > 1; p /= 2)
     24             t[p / 2] = t[p] + t[p ^ 1];
     25     }
     26 };
     28 class Solution {
     29   public:
     30     int reversePairs(const vector<int> &nums) const {
     31         const int n = size(nums);
     33         // sort the array using index array
     34         static int idxs[50001];
     35         iota(idxs, idxs + n, 0);
     36         sort(idxs, idxs + n, [&](int a, int b) { return nums[a] < nums[b]; });
     38         static int rev[50001];
     39         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     40             rev[idxs[i]] = i;
     41         }
     43         int res = 0;
     44         SegmentTree seg(n);
     45         for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     46             seg.update(rev[i]);
     47             const auto cmp = [&](long long value, int &idx) { return value < nums[idx]; };
     48             const auto it = upper_bound(idxs, idxs + n, nums[i] * 2ll, cmp);
     49             if (it == idxs + n) continue;
     50             res += seg.sum(it - idxs, n);
     51         }
     53         return res;
     54     }
     55 };