commit b014ac73d73be5ae8a85f2ff3d43ff07134e6714
parent 4f9cded954e4bcb29d9dce3b9b24f461e9e6755f
Author: Dimitrije Dobrota <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 03:01:03 +0200
Separate indexing class supporting cmd line args
8 files changed, 322 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ find_package(hemplate 0.1 CONFIG REQUIRED)
stamd_lib OBJECT
- source/index.cpp
+ source/indexer.cpp
target_link_libraries(stamd_lib PUBLIC hemplate::hemplate)
diff --git a/source/article.cpp b/source/article.cpp
@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
#include "utility.hpp"
+namespace stamd {
std::optional<std::string> article::get(const std::string& key) const
const auto itr = m_symbols.find(key);
if (itr == end(m_symbols))
- std::cerr << "Warning: getting invalid value for: " << key << std::endl;
+ // std::cerr << "Warning: getting invalid value for: " << key << std::endl;
return {};
return itr->second;
@@ -158,9 +160,9 @@ void article::write_footer(std::ostream& ost) const
ost << html::div();
- ost << html::script(" ")
- .set("type", "text/javascript")
- .set("src", "/scripts/main.js");
+ ost << html::script(" ").set("src", "/scripts/main.js");
ost << html::body();
ost << html::html();
+} // namespace stamd
diff --git a/source/article.hpp b/source/article.hpp
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
+namespace stamd {
class article
@@ -52,3 +54,5 @@ private:
categories_t m_categories;
symbols_t m_symbols;
+} // namespace stamd
diff --git a/source/index.cpp b/source/index.cpp
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <format>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <numeric>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "index.hpp"
-#include <hemplate/attribute.hpp>
-#include <hemplate/classes.hpp>
-namespace stamd {
-std::tm get_time(const std::string& date)
- int year = 0;
- int month = 0;
- int day = 0;
- std::sscanf(date.c_str(), "%d-%d-%d", &year, &month, &day);
- tm time = {
- .tm_sec = 0,
- .tm_min = 0,
- .tm_hour = 0,
- .tm_mday = day,
- .tm_mon = month - 1,
- .tm_year = year - 1900,
- };
- return time;
-#define rfc882_f "{:%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z}" // NOLINT
-#define rfc3339_f "{:%FT%H:%M:%SZ}" // NOLINT
-std::string to_rfc882(const std::string& date)
- using namespace std::chrono; // NOLINT
- tm time = get_time(date);
- const auto tmp = std::mktime(&time);
- const auto chrono_time =
- time_point_cast<seconds>(system_clock::from_time_t(tmp));
- return std::format(rfc882_f, chrono_time);
-std::string to_rfc3339(const std::string& date)
- using namespace std::chrono; // NOLINT
- tm time = get_time(date);
- const auto tmp = std::mktime(&time);
- const auto chrono_time =
- time_point_cast<seconds>(system_clock::from_time_t(tmp));
- return std::format(rfc3339_f, chrono_time);
-std::shared_ptr<article> create_index(std::ostream& ost,
- const std::string& name,
- const article_list& articles,
- const categories_t& categories)
- using namespace hemplate; // NOLINT
- auto index = std::make_shared<article>(name, categories);
- index->write_header(ost);
- ost << html::h1(name);
- ost << html::ul().set("class", "index");
- for (const auto& article : articles)
- {
- if (article->is_hidden()) continue;
- const auto& filename = article->get_filename();
- const auto& title = article->get_title();
- const auto& date = article->get_date();
- ost << html::li()
- .add(html::span(std::format("{} - ", date)))
- .add(html::a(title).set("href", filename));
- };
- ost << html::ul();
- index->write_footer(ost);
- return index;
-void create_atom(std::ostream& ost,
- const std::string& name,
- const article_list& articles)
- using namespace hemplate; // NOLINT
- static const char* base = "";
- static const char* loc = "";
- static const char* summary = "Click on the article link to read...";
- auto const time =
- std::chrono::current_zone()->to_local(std::chrono::system_clock::now());
- ost << xml();
- ost << atom::feed();
- ost << atom::title(name);
- ost << atom::id(base);
- ost << atom::updated(std::format(rfc3339_f, time));
- ost << atom::author().add(atom::name(name));
- ost << atom::link(" ", {{"rel", "self"}, {"href", loc}});
- ost << atom::link(
- " ", {{"href", base}, {"rel", "alternate"}, {"type", "text/html"}});
- for (const auto& article : articles)
- {
- const auto filename = article->get_filename();
- const auto title = article->get_title();
- const auto date = article->get_date();
- const auto path = std::format("{}/{}", base, filename);
- ost << atom::entry()
- .add(atom::title(title))
- .add(atom::id(path))
- .add(atom::link(" ").set("href", path))
- .add(atom::updated(to_rfc3339(date)))
- .add(atom::summary(summary));
- }
- ost << atom::feed();
-void create_rss(std::ostream& ost,
- const std::string& name,
- const article_list& articles)
- using namespace hemplate; // NOLINT
- static const char* author = "Dimitrije Dobrota";
- static const char* email = "";
- static const char* base = "";
- static const char* description = "Contents of Dimitrije Dobrota's webpage";
- static const char* loc = "";
- ost << xml();
- ost << rss::rss();
- ost << rss::channel();
- ost << rss::title(name);
- ost << rss::link(base);
- ost << rss::description(description);
- ost << rss::generator("stamd");
- ost << rss::language("en-us");
- ost << rss::atomLink().set("href", loc);
- for (const auto& article : articles)
- {
- const auto filename = article->get_filename();
- const auto date = article->get_date();
- ost << rss::item()
- .add(rss::title(filename))
- .add(rss::link(std::format("{}/{}", base, filename)))
- .add(rss::guid(std::format("{}/{}", base, filename)))
- .add(rss::pubDate(to_rfc882(date)))
- .add(rss::author(std::format("{} ({})", email, author)));
- }
- ost << rss::channel();
- ost << rss::rss();
-void create_sitemap(std::ostream& ost, const article_list& articles)
- using namespace hemplate; // NOLINT
- static const char* base = "";
- ost << xml();
- ost << sitemap::urlset();
- for (const auto& article : articles)
- {
- const auto& name = article->get_filename();
- const auto& date = article->get_date();
- ost << sitemap::url()
- .add(sitemap::loc(std::format("{}/{}.html", base, name)))
- .add(sitemap::lastmod(date));
- }
- ost << sitemap::urlset();
-void create_robots(std::ostream& ost)
- static const char* base = "";
- ost << "User-agent: *";
- ost << std::format("Sitemap: {}/sitemap.xml", base);
-} // namespace stamd
diff --git a/source/index.hpp b/source/index.hpp
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "article.hpp"
-namespace stamd {
-using article_list = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<article>>;
-using categories_t = article::categories_t;
-void create_robots(std::ostream& ost);
-void create_sitemap(std::ostream& ost, const article_list& articles);
-void create_atom(std::ostream& ost,
- const std::string& name,
- const article_list& articles);
-void create_rss(std::ostream& ost,
- const std::string& name,
- const article_list& articles);
-std::shared_ptr<article> create_index(std::ostream& ost,
- const std::string& name,
- const article_list& articles,
- const categories_t& categories);
-} // namespace stamd
diff --git a/source/indexer.cpp b/source/indexer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <format>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <numeric>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "indexer.hpp"
+#include <hemplate/attribute.hpp>
+#include <hemplate/classes.hpp>
+namespace stamd {
+indexer::article_s& indexer::add(const article_s& article)
+ m_articles.emplace_back(article);
+ return m_articles.back();
+void indexer::sort()
+ std::sort(begin(m_articles),
+ end(m_articles),
+ [](const auto& lft, const auto& rht)
+ { return lft->get_date() > rht->get_date(); });
+std::tm get_time(const std::string& date)
+ int year = 0;
+ int month = 0;
+ int day = 0;
+ std::sscanf(date.c_str(), "%d-%d-%d", &year, &month, &day);
+ tm time = {
+ .tm_sec = 0,
+ .tm_min = 0,
+ .tm_hour = 0,
+ .tm_mday = day,
+ .tm_mon = month - 1,
+ .tm_year = year - 1900,
+ };
+ return time;
+#define rfc882_f "{:%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z}" // NOLINT
+#define rfc3339_f "{:%FT%H:%M:%SZ}" // NOLINT
+std::string to_rfc882(const std::string& date)
+ using namespace std::chrono; // NOLINT
+ tm time = get_time(date);
+ const auto tmp = std::mktime(&time);
+ const auto chrono_time =
+ time_point_cast<seconds>(system_clock::from_time_t(tmp));
+ return std::format(rfc882_f, chrono_time);
+std::string to_rfc3339(const std::string& date)
+ using namespace std::chrono; // NOLINT
+ tm time = get_time(date);
+ const auto tmp = std::mktime(&time);
+ const auto chrono_time =
+ time_point_cast<seconds>(system_clock::from_time_t(tmp));
+ return std::format(rfc3339_f, chrono_time);
+void indexer::create_index(std::ostream& ost,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const categories_t& categories)
+ using namespace hemplate; // NOLINT
+ auto index = std::make_shared<stamd::article>(name, categories);
+ index->write_header(ost);
+ ost << html::h1(name);
+ ost << html::ul().set("class", "index");
+ for (const auto& article : m_articles)
+ {
+ if (article->is_hidden()) continue;
+ const auto& filename = article->get_filename();
+ const auto& title = article->get_title();
+ const auto& date = article->get_date();
+ ost << html::li()
+ .add(html::span(date + " - "))
+ .add(html::a(title).set("href", filename));
+ };
+ ost << html::ul();
+ index->write_footer(ost);
+ add(index);
+void indexer::create_atom(std::ostream& ost, const std::string& name) const
+ using namespace hemplate; // NOLINT
+ const std::string& base_url = m_options.base_url;
+ auto const time =
+ std::chrono::current_zone()->to_local(std::chrono::system_clock::now());
+ ost << xml();
+ ost << atom::feed();
+ ost << atom::title(name);
+ ost << atom::id(base_url);
+ ost << atom::updated(std::format(rfc3339_f, time));
+ ost << atom::author().add(atom::name(name));
+ ost << atom::link(" ",
+ {{"rel", "self"}, {"href", base_url + "blog/atom.xml"}});
+ ost << atom::link(
+ " ", {{"href", base_url}, {"rel", "alternate"}, {"type", "text/html"}});
+ for (const auto& article : m_articles)
+ {
+ const auto filename = article->get_filename();
+ const auto title = article->get_title();
+ const auto date = article->get_date();
+ const auto summary = article->get("summary").value_or(m_options.summary);
+ ost << atom::entry()
+ .add(atom::title(title))
+ .add(atom::id(base_url + filename))
+ .add(atom::link(" ").set("href", base_url + filename))
+ .add(atom::updated(to_rfc3339(date)))
+ .add(atom::summary(summary));
+ }
+ ost << atom::feed();
+void indexer::create_rss(std::ostream& ost, const std::string& name) const
+ using namespace hemplate; // NOLINT
+ const std::string& base_url = m_options.base_url;
+ const std::string& description = m_options.description;
+ ost << xml();
+ ost << rss::rss();
+ ost << rss::channel();
+ ost << rss::title(name);
+ ost << rss::link(base_url);
+ ost << rss::description(description);
+ ost << rss::generator("stamd");
+ ost << rss::language("en-us");
+ ost << rss::atomLink().set("href", base_url + "blog/rss.xml");
+ for (const auto& article : m_articles)
+ {
+ const auto filename = article->get_filename();
+ const auto date = article->get_date();
+ const auto author = article->get("author").value_or(;
+ const auto email = article->get("email").value_or(;
+ ost << rss::item()
+ .add(rss::title(filename))
+ .add(rss::link(base_url + filename))
+ .add(rss::guid(base_url + filename))
+ .add(rss::pubDate(to_rfc882(date)))
+ .add(rss::author(std::format("{} ({})", email, author)));
+ }
+ ost << rss::channel();
+ ost << rss::rss();
+void indexer::create_sitemap(std::ostream& ost) const
+ using namespace hemplate; // NOLINT
+ static const std::string& base_url = m_options.base_url;
+ ost << xml();
+ ost << sitemap::urlset();
+ for (const auto& article : m_articles)
+ {
+ const auto& filename = article->get_filename();
+ const auto& date = article->get_date();
+ ost << sitemap::url()
+ .add(sitemap::loc(base_url + filename))
+ .add(sitemap::lastmod(date));
+ }
+ ost << sitemap::urlset();
+void indexer::create_robots(std::ostream& ost) const
+ static const std::string& base_url = m_options.base_url;
+ ost << "User-agent: *";
+ ost << std::format("Sitemap: {}/sitemap.xml", base_url);
+} // namespace stamd
diff --git a/source/indexer.hpp b/source/indexer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "article.hpp"
+namespace stamd {
+class indexer
+ using article_s = std::shared_ptr<article>;
+ using article_list = std::vector<article_s>;
+ using categories_t = article::categories_t;
+ struct options_t
+ {
+ std::string base_url;
+ std::string author;
+ std::string email;
+ std::string description;
+ std::string summary;
+ };
+ explicit indexer(options_t options)
+ : m_options(std::move(options))
+ {
+ if (m_options.base_url.empty() || m_options.base_url.back() != '/')
+ {
+ m_options.base_url += '/';
+ }
+ }
+ article_s& add(const article_s& article);
+ void sort();
+ void create_robots(std::ostream& ost) const;
+ void create_sitemap(std::ostream& ost) const;
+ void create_atom(std::ostream& ost, const std::string& name) const;
+ void create_rss(std::ostream& ost, const std::string& name) const;
+ void create_index(std::ostream& ost,
+ const std::string& name,
+ const categories_t& categories);
+ void create_categories() const;
+ options_t m_options;
+ article_list m_articles;
+} // namespace stamd
diff --git a/source/main.cpp b/source/main.cpp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
#include <poafloc/poafloc.hpp>
#include "article.hpp"
-#include "index.hpp"
+#include "indexer.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
-void preprocess(article& article, std::istream& ist)
+void preprocess(stamd::article& article, std::istream& ist)
std::string line;
std::string key;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ struct arguments_t
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> files;
bool index = false;
- std::string base = "";
+ stamd::indexer::options_t options;
int parse_opt(int key, const char* arg, poafloc::Parser* parser)
@@ -58,12 +58,24 @@ int parse_opt(int key, const char* arg, poafloc::Parser* parser)
case 'o':
args->output_dir = arg;
- case 'b':
- args->base = arg;
- break;
case 'i':
args->index = true;
+ case 'b':
+ args->options.base_url = arg;
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ args-> = arg;
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ args-> = arg;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ args->options.description = arg;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ args->options.summary = arg;
+ break;
case poafloc::ARG:
@@ -74,12 +86,21 @@ int parse_opt(int key, const char* arg, poafloc::Parser* parser)
+// clang-format off
static const poafloc::option_t options[] = {
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, "Output mode", 1},
{"output", 'o', "DIR", 0, "Output directory"},
{"index", 'i', 0, 0, "Generate all of the indices"},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, "General information", 2},
{"base", 'b', "URL", 0, "Base URL for the content"},
+ {"author", 'a', "NAME", 0, "Name of the author, if not specified in article"},
+ {"email", 'e', "EMAIL", 0, "Email of the author, if not specified in article"},
+ {"summary", 's', "SMRY", 0, "A summary, if not specified in article"},
+ {"description", 'd', "DESC", 0, "Description of RSS feed"},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0, "Informational Options", -1},
+// clang-format on
static const poafloc::arg_t arg {
@@ -99,8 +120,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
using namespace stamd; // NOLINT
- using category_map_t = std::unordered_map<std::string, article_list>;
arguments_t args;
if (poafloc::parse(&arg, argc, argv, 0, &args) != 0)
@@ -109,23 +128,24 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 1;
+ using category_map_t =
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, indexer::article_list>;
+ stamd::indexer::categories_t categories;
category_map_t category_map;
- categories_t all_categories;
- article_list all_articles;
+ indexer indexer(args.options);
for (const auto& path : args.files)
const std::string filename = path.stem().string() + ".html";
std::ifstream ifs(path.string());
- all_articles.push_back(make_shared<article>(filename));
+ auto& article = indexer.add(make_shared<stamd::article>(filename));
- auto& article = all_articles.back();
preprocess(*article, ifs);
// filename can change in preprocessing phase
- std::filesystem::path out = args.output_dir / article->get_filename();
- std::ofstream ofs(out);
+ std::ofstream ofs(args.output_dir / article->get_filename());
std::stringstream sst;
sst << ifs.rdbuf();
@@ -141,41 +161,37 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (!article->is_hidden())
- all_categories.merge(article->get_categories());
- for (const auto& ctgry : article->get_categories())
- category_map[ctgry].push_back(article);
+ categories.merge(article->get_categories());
+ for (const auto& category : article->get_categories())
+ category_map[category].emplace_back(article);
if (!args.index) return 0;
- sort(begin(all_articles),
- end(all_articles),
- [](const auto& lft, const auto& rht)
- { return lft->get_date() > rht->get_date(); });
+ indexer.sort();
std::ofstream rss(args.output_dir / "rss.xml");
- create_rss(rss, "index", all_articles);
+ indexer.create_rss(rss, "index");
std::ofstream atom(args.output_dir / "atom.xml");
- create_atom(atom, "index", all_articles);
+ indexer.create_atom(atom, "index");
std::ofstream index(args.output_dir / "index.html");
+ indexer.create_index(index, "blog index", categories);
- all_articles.push_back(
- create_index(index, "index", all_articles, all_categories));
for (const auto& [category, articles] : category_map)
auto ctgry = category;
std::ofstream ost(args.output_dir / (normalize(ctgry) + ".html"));
- all_articles.push_back(create_index(ost, category, articles, {}));
+ indexer.create_index(ost, category, {});
std::ofstream robots(args.output_dir / "robots.txt");
- create_robots(robots);
+ indexer.create_robots(robots);
std::ofstream sitemap(args.output_dir / "sitemap.xml");
- create_sitemap(sitemap, all_articles);
+ indexer.create_sitemap(sitemap);
return 0;