commit fb4822fe457f8939ca09ab284d1137867ba50a20
parent 17873aadd3a230164ca22881e7bfb3c669d83f72
Author: Dimitrije Dobrota <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 23:33:49 +0200
Fix date and links in feed generation
3 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ include(cmake/prelude.cmake)
- VERSION 0.2.3
+ VERSION 0.2.4
DESCRIPTION "Static Markdown Page Generator"
diff --git a/source/index.cpp b/source/index.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,55 @@
namespace stamd {
+std::tm get_time(const std::string& date)
+ int year = 0;
+ int month = 0;
+ int day = 0;
+ std::sscanf(date.c_str(), "%d-%d-%d", &year, &month, &day);
+ tm time = {
+ .tm_sec = 0,
+ .tm_min = 0,
+ .tm_hour = 0,
+ .tm_mday = day,
+ .tm_mon = month - 1,
+ .tm_year = year - 1900,
+ };
+ return time;
+#define rfc882_f "{:%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z}" // NOLINT
+#define rfc3339_f "{:%FT%H:%M:%SZ}" // NOLINT
+std::string to_rfc882(const std::string& date)
+ using namespace std::chrono; // NOLINT
+ tm time = get_time(date);
+ const auto tmp = std::mktime(&time);
+ const auto chrono_time =
+ time_point_cast<seconds>(system_clock::from_time_t(tmp));
+ return std::format(rfc882_f, chrono_time);
+std::string to_rfc3339(const std::string& date)
+ using namespace std::chrono; // NOLINT
+ tm time = get_time(date);
+ const auto tmp = std::mktime(&time);
+ const auto chrono_time =
+ time_point_cast<seconds>(system_clock::from_time_t(tmp));
+ return std::format(rfc3339_f, chrono_time);
void create_index(std::ostream& ost,
const std::string& name,
const article_list& articles,
@@ -47,39 +96,36 @@ void create_atom(std::ostream& ost,
using namespace hemplate; // NOLINT
static const char* base = "";
- static const char* loc = "";
+ static const char* loc = "";
static const char* summary = "Click on the article link to read...";
auto const time =
- const elementList content = std::accumulate(
- begin(articles),
- end(articles),
- elementList(),
- [](elementList&& list, const auto& article)
- {
- const auto filename = article->get_filename();
- const auto date = article->get_date();
- list.add(atom::entry()
- .add(atom::title(filename))
- .add(atom::link(" ").set(
- "href", std::format("{}/{}", base, filename)))
- .add(atom::updated(date))
- .add(atom::summary(summary)));
- return std::move(list);
- });
ost << xml();
ost << atom::feed();
ost << atom::title(name);
ost << atom::link(" ").set("href", base);
ost << atom::link(" ", {{"rel", "self"}, {"href", loc}});
ost << atom::id(base);
- ost << atom::updated(std::format("{:%Y-%m-%d %X}", time));
+ ost << atom::updated(std::format(rfc3339_f, time));
ost << atom::author().add(atom::name(name));
- ost << content;
+ for (const auto& article : articles)
+ {
+ const auto filename = article->get_filename();
+ const auto title = article->get_title();
+ const auto date = article->get_date();
+ const auto path = std::format("{}/{}", base, filename);
+ ost << atom::entry()
+ .add(atom::title(title))
+ .add(atom::id(path))
+ .add(atom::link(" ").set("href", path))
+ .add(atom::updated(to_rfc3339(date)))
+ .add(atom::summary(summary));
+ }
ost << atom::feed();
@@ -93,25 +139,7 @@ void create_rss(std::ostream& ost,
static const char* email = "";
static const char* base = "";
static const char* description = "Contents of Dimitrije Dobrota's webpage";
- static const char* loc = "";
- const elementList content = std::accumulate(
- begin(articles),
- end(articles),
- elementList(),
- [](elementList&& list, const auto& article)
- {
- const auto filename = article->get_filename();
- const auto date = article->get_date();
- list.add(rss::item()
- .add(rss::title(filename))
- .add(rss::link(std::format("{}/{}", base, filename)))
- .add(rss::guid(std::format("{}/{}", base, filename)))
- .add(rss::pubDate(date))
- .add(rss::author(std::format("{} ({})", email, author))));
- return std::move(list);
- });
+ static const char* loc = "";
ost << xml();
ost << rss::rss();
@@ -122,7 +150,20 @@ void create_rss(std::ostream& ost,
ost << rss::generator("stamd");
ost << rss::language("en-us");
ost << rss::atomLink().set("href", loc);
- ost << content;
+ for (const auto& article : articles)
+ {
+ const auto filename = article->get_filename();
+ const auto date = article->get_date();
+ ost << rss::item()
+ .add(rss::title(filename))
+ .add(rss::link(std::format("{}/{}", base, filename)))
+ .add(rss::guid(std::format("{}/{}", base, filename)))
+ .add(rss::pubDate(to_rfc882(date)))
+ .add(rss::author(std::format("{} ({})", email, author)));
+ }
ost << rss::channel();
ost << rss::rss();
diff --git a/source/main.cpp b/source/main.cpp
@@ -128,8 +128,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::ofstream ofs(out);
std::stringstream sst;
- std::cerr << out.string() << std::endl;
sst << ifs.rdbuf();