
Solution to some Leetcode problems written in C++
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commit 6a82a0c01cae763b371dfb9b2da74bc5f21d20e7
parent 5d5ee277947c47988f59ee60608c0762f90b98c6
Author: Dimitrije Dobrota <mail@dimitrijedobrota.com>
Date:   Mon,  5 Dec 2022 19:32:52 +0100

Add a small introduction and format fixing

MREADME.md | 45++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md @@ -1,10 +1,16 @@ -# Leetcode +# Leetcode Solutions -# Problems +In this repo I want to share with you my solutions to some Leetcode problems +written in C++ to practice my Algorithms and Data Structure skills. I will +update this list periodically as I do more problems. I hope it will be helpful +to some of you if you get stuck on a specific problem. Feel free to contact me +if you have any questions. + +## Problems 0001. (Easy) [Two Sum](Problems/0001.cpp) 0002. (Medium) [Add Two Numbers](Problems/0002.cpp) -0003. (Mecium) [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](Problems/0003.cpp) +0003. (Medium) [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](Problems/0003.cpp) 0012. (Medium) [Integer to Roman](Problems/0012.cpp) 0013. (Easy) [Roman to Integer](Problems/0013.cpp) 0014. (Easy) [Longest Common Prefix](Problems/0014.cpp) @@ -15,7 +21,7 @@ 0026. (Easy) [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](Problems/0026.cpp) 0027. (Easy) [Remove Element](Problems/0027.cpp) 0028. (Medium) [Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String](Problems/0028.cpp) -0036. (Mecium) [Valid Sudoku](Problems/0036.cpp) +0036. (Medium) [Valid Sudoku](Problems/0036.cpp) 0043. (Medium) [Multiply Strings](Problems/0043.cpp) 0054. (Medium) [Spiral Matrix](Problems/0054.cpp) 0059. (Medium) [Spiral Matrix II](Problems/0059.cpp) @@ -57,14 +63,14 @@ 0206. (Easy) [Reverse Linked List](Problems/0206.cpp) 0209. (Medium) [Minimum Size Subarray Sum](Problems/0209.cpp) 0222. (Medium) [Count Complete Tree Nodes](Problems/0222.cpp) -0223. (Mecium) [Rectangle Area](Problems/0223.cpp) +0223. (Medium) [Rectangle Area](Problems/0223.cpp) 0226. (Easy) [Invert Binary Tree](Problems/0226.cpp) 0234. (Easy) [Palindrome Linked List](Problems/0234.cpp) 0236. (Medium) [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree](Problems/0236.cpp) 0237. (Medium) [Delete Node in a Linked List](Problems/0237.cpp) 0257. (Easy) [Binary Tree Paths](Problems/0257.cpp) 0263. (Easy) [Ugly Number](Problems/0263.cpp) -0279. (Mecium) [Perfect Squares](Problems/0279.cpp) +0279. (Medium) [Perfect Squares](Problems/0279.cpp) 0283. (Easy) [Move Zeroes](Problems/0283.cpp) 0328. (Medium) [Odd Even Linked List](Problems/0328.cpp) 0338. (Easy) [Counting Bits](Problems/0338.cpp) @@ -90,7 +96,8 @@ 0503. (Medium) [Next Greater Element II](Problems/0503.cpp) 0509. (Easy) [Fibonacci Number](Problems/0509.cpp) 0543. (Easy) [Diameter of Binary Tree](Problems/0543.cpp) -0547. (Mecium) [Number of Provinces](Problems/0547.cpp) +0547. (Medium) [Number of Provinces](Problems/0547.cpp) +0556. (Medium) [Next Greater Element III](Problems/0556.cpp) 0557. (Easy) [Reverse Words in a String III](Problems/0557.cpp) 0559. (Easy) [Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree](Problems/0559.cpp) 0561. (Easy) [Array Partition](Problems/0561.cpp) @@ -101,7 +108,7 @@ 0606. (Easy) [Construct String from Binary Tree ](Problems/0606.cpp) 0617. (Easy) [Merge Two Binary Trees](Problems/0617.cpp) 0637. (Easy) [Average of Levels in Binary Tree](Problems/0637.cpp) -0684. (Mecium) [Redundant Connection](Problems/0684.cpp) +0684. (Medium) [Redundant Connection](Problems/0684.cpp) 0707. (Medium) [Design Linked List](Problems/0707.cpp) 0724. (Easy) [Find Pivot Index](Problems/0724.cpp) 0733. (Easy) [Flood Fill](Problems/0733.cpp) @@ -109,7 +116,7 @@ 0746. (Easy) [Min Cost Climbing Stairs](Problems/0746.cpp) 0747. (Easy) [Largest Number At Least Twice of Others](Problems/0747.cpp) 0752. (Medium) [Open the Lock](Problems/0752.cpp) -0797. (Mecium) [All Paths From Source to Target](Problems/0797.cpp) +0797. (Medium) [All Paths From Source to Target](Problems/0797.cpp) 0841. (Medium) [Keys and Rooms](Problems/0841.cpp) 0844. (Easy) [Backspace String Compare](Problems/0844.cpp) 0872. (Easy) [Leaf-Similar Trees](Problems/0872.cpp) @@ -120,7 +127,7 @@ 0941. (Easy) [Valid Mountain Array](Problems/0941.cpp) 0947. (Medium) [Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column](Problems/0947.cpp) 0950. (Medium) [Reveal Cards In Increasing Order](Problems/0950.cpp) -0959. (Mecium) [Regions Cut By Slashes](Problems/0959.cpp) +0959. (Medium) [Regions Cut By Slashes](Problems/0959.cpp) 0965. (Easy) [Univalued Binary Tree](Problems/0965.cpp) 0977. (Easy) [Squares of a Sorted Array](Problems/0977.cpp) 0989. (Easy) [Add to Array-Form of Integer](Problems/0989.cpp) @@ -136,18 +143,19 @@ 1137. (Easy) [N-th Tribonacci Number](Problems/1137.cpp) 1209. (Medium) [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II](Problems/1209.cpp) 1290. (Easy) [Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer](Problems/1290.cpp) -1319. (Mecium) [Number of Operations to Make Network Connected](Problems/1319.cpp) +1319. (Medium) [Number of Operations to Make Network Connected](Problems/1319.cpp) 1323. (Easy) [Maximum 69 Number](Problems/1323.cpp) 1337. (Easy) [The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix](Problems/1337.cpp) 1342. (Easy) [Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero](Problems/1342.cpp) 1346. (Easy) [Check if N and Its Double Exist](Problems/1346.cpp) +1367. (Medium) [Linked List in Binary Tree ](Problems/1367.cpp) 1379. (Easy) [Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree ](Problems/1379.cpp) -1466. (Mecium) [Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero](Problems/1466.cpp) +1466. (Medium) [Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero](Problems/1466.cpp) 1472. (Medium) [Design Browser History ](Problems/1472.cpp) 1480. (Easy) [Running Sum of 1d Array](Problems/1480.cpp) 1544. (Easy) [Make The String Great](Problems/1544.cpp) -1557. (Mecium) [Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes](Problems/1557.cpp) -1584. (Mecium) [Min Cost to Connect All Points](Problems/1584.cpp) +1557. (Medium) [Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes](Problems/1557.cpp) +1584. (Medium) [Min Cost to Connect All Points](Problems/1584.cpp) 1609. (Medium) [Even Odd Tree](Problems/1609.cpp) 1646. (Easy) [Get Maximum in Generated Array](Problems/1646.cpp) 1669. (Medium) [Merge In Between Linked Lists](Problems/1669.cpp) @@ -158,7 +166,7 @@ 1706. (Medium) [Where Will the Ball Fall](Problems/1706.cpp) 1791. (Easy) [Find Center of Star Graph](Problems/1791.cpp) 1823. (Medium) [Find the Winner of the Circular Game](Problems/1823.cpp) -1926. (Mecium) [Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze](Problems/1926.cpp) +1926. (Medium) [Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze](Problems/1926.cpp) 1971. (Easy) [Find if Path Exists in Graph](Problems/1971.cpp) 2073. (Easy) [Time Needed to Buy Tickets](Problems/2073.cpp) 2095. (Medium) [Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List](Problems/2095.cpp) @@ -167,7 +175,7 @@ 2181. (Medium) [Merge Nodes in Between Zeros](Problems/2181.cpp) 2235. (Easy) [Add Two Integers](Problems/2235.cpp) 2236. (Easy) [Root Equals Sum of Children](Problems/2236.cpp) -2285. (Mecium) [Maximum Total Importance of Roads](Problems/2285.cpp) +2285. (Medium) [Maximum Total Importance of Roads](Problems/2285.cpp) 2326. (Medium) [Spiral Matrix IV](Problems/2326.cpp) 2331. (Easy) [Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree](Problems/2331.cpp) 2390. (Medium) [Removing Stars From a String](Problems/2390.cpp) @@ -175,11 +183,10 @@ 2466. (Medium) [Count Ways To Build Good Strings](Problems/2466.cpp) 2467. (Medium) [Most Profitable Path in a Tree](Problems/2467.cpp) 2469. (Hard) [Find Median from Data Stream](Problems/0295.cpp) -1367. (Medium) [Linked List in Binary Tree ](Problems/1367.cpp) -0556. (Medium) [Next Greater Element III](Problems/0556.cpp) -DNF: +## DNF + 0494. (Medium) [Target Sum](Problems/0494.cpp) 0402. (Medium) [Remove K Digits](Problems/0402.cpp) 0129. (Medium) [Sum Root to Leaf Numbers](Problems/0129.cpp)