
Solution to some Leetcode problems written in C++
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commit 77d39a7643896b4c7fb67b6f83ce8ae8297258a1
parent 8997dd6fa24201a2f502273325f43d6888492b69
Author: Dimitrije Dobrota <mail@dimitrijedobrota.com>
Date:   Sun, 16 Apr 2023 14:07:52 +0200

Daily Problem

A1639.cpp | 46++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MREADME.md | 47++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/1639.cpp b/1639.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +// Concise way + +class Solution { + long dp[1001] = {1, 0}; + +public: + int numWays(const vector<string> &words, const string &target) { + int n = target.length(), mod = 1e9 + 7; + for (int i = 0; i < words[0].length(); ++i) { + vector<int> count(26); + for (const auto &w : words) count[w[i] - 'a']++; + for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; --j) + dp[j + 1] += (dp[j] * count[target[j] - 'a']) % mod; + } + return dp[n] % mod; + } +}; + +// Relatively dump way +class Solution { + int dp[1001][1001] = {0}; + int count[1001][26] = {0}; + int mod = 1E9 + 7; + + int rec(const vector<string> &words, const string &target, int k = 0, + int l = 0) { + if (k >= target.size()) return 1; + if (l >= words[0].size()) return 0; + if (dp[k][l] != -1) return dp[k][l]; + + long long res = rec(words, target, k, l + 1); + res += ((long long)count[l][target[k] - 'a'] * + rec(words, target, k + 1, l + 1)) % + mod; + return dp[k][l] = res % mod; + } + +public: + int numWays(const vector<string> &words, const string &target) { + memset(dp, 0xFF, 1001 * 1001 * sizeof(int)); // init dp to -1 + for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) + for (int j = 0; j < words[i].size(); j++) count[j][words[i][j] - 'a']++; + + return rec(words, target, 0, 0); + } +}; diff --git a/README.md b/README.md @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ for solving problems. | 0005 | Medium | [Longest Palindromic Substring](Problems/0005.cpp) | | 0006 | Medium | [Zigzag Conversion](Problems/0006.cpp) | | 0007 | Medium | [Reverse Integer](Problems/0007.cpp) | -| 0008 | Medium | [String to Integer (atoi)](Problems/0008.cpp) | +| 0008 | Medium | [String to Integer (atoi)](Problems/0008.cpp) | | 0009 | Easy | [Palindrome Number](Problems/0009.cpp) | | 0011 | Medium | [Container With Most Water](Problems/0011.cpp) | | 0012 | Medium | [Integer to Roman](Problems/0012.cpp) | @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ for solving problems. | 0034 | Medium | [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array](Problems/0034.cpp) | | 0035 | Easy | [Search Insert Position](Problems/0035.cpp) | | 0036 | Medium | [Valid Sudoku](Problems/0036.cpp) | -| 0037 | Hard | [Sudoku Solver](Problems/0037.cpp) | +| 0037 | Hard | [Sudoku Solver](Problems/0037.cpp) | | 0038 | Medium | [Count and Say](Problems/0038.cpp) | | 0039 | Medium | [Combination Sum](Problems/0039.cpp) | | 0040 | Medium | [Combination Sum II](Problems/0040.cpp) | @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ for solving problems. | 0057 | Medium | [Insert Interval](Problems/0057.cpp) | | 0058 | Easy | [Length of Last Word](Problems/0058.cpp) | | 0059 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix II](Problems/0059.cpp) | -| 0060 | Hard | [Permutation Sequence](Problems/0060.cpp) | +| 0060 | Hard | [Permutation Sequence](Problems/0060.cpp) | | 0061 | Medium | [Rotate List](Problems/0061.cpp) | | 0062 | Medium | [Unique Paths](Problems/0062.cpp) | | 0063 | Medium | [Unique Paths II](Problems/0063.cpp) | @@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ for solving problems. | 0066 | Easy | [Plus One](Problems/0066.cpp) | | 0067 | Easy | [Add Binary](Problems/0067.cpp) | | 0068 | Hard | [Text Justification](Problems/0068.cpp) | -| 0069 | Easy | [Sqrt(x)](Problems/0069.cpp) | +| 0069 | Easy | [Sqrt(x)](Problems/0069.cpp) | | 0070 | Easy | [Climbing Stairs](Problems/0070.cpp) | | 0071 | Medium | [Simplify Path](Problems/0071.cpp) | | 0072 | Hard | [Edit Distance](Problems/0072.cpp) | -| 0073 | Medium | [Set Matrix Zeroes](Problems/0073.cpp) | +| 0073 | Medium | [Set Matrix Zeroes](Problems/0073.cpp) | | 0074 | Medium | [Search a 2D Matrix](Problems/0074.cpp) | | 0075 | Medium | [Sort Colors](Problems/0075.cpp) | | 0076 | Hard | [Minimum Window Substring](Problems/0076.cpp) | @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ for solving problems. | 0103 | Medium | [Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal](Problems/0103.cpp) | | 0104 | Easy | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](Problems/0104.cpp) | | 0105 | Medium | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal](Problems/0105.cpp) | -| 0106 | Medium | [Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal](Problems/0106.cpp) | +| 0106 | Medium | [Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal](Problems/0106.cpp) | | 0107 | Medium | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II](Problems/0107.cpp) | | 0108 | Easy | [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](Problems/0108.cpp) | | 0109 | Medium | [Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree](Problems/0109.cpp) | @@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ for solving problems. | 0160 | Easy | [Intersection of Two Linked Lists](Problems/0160.cpp) | | 0162 | Medium | [Find Peak Element](Problems/0162.cpp) | | 0164 | Hard | [Maximum Gap](Problems/0164.cpp) | -| 0165 | Medium | [Compare Version Numbers](Problems/0165.cpp) | +| 0165 | Medium | [Compare Version Numbers](Problems/0165.cpp) | | 0167 | Medium | [Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted](Problems/0167.cpp) | | 0168 | Easy | [Excel Sheet Column Title](Problems/0168.cpp) | | 0169 | Easy | [Majority Element](Problems/0169.cpp) | -| 0171 | Easy | [Excel Sheet Column Number](Problems/0171.cpp) | +| 0171 | Easy | [Excel Sheet Column Number](Problems/0171.cpp) | | 0173 | Medium | [Binary Search Tree Iterator](Problems/0173.cpp) | | 0187 | Medium | [Repeated DNA Sequences](Problems/0187.cpp) | | 0189 | Medium | [Rotate Array](Problems/0189.cpp) | @@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ for solving problems. | 0210 | Medium | [Course Schedule II](Problems/0210.cpp) | | 0211 | Medium | [Design Add and Search Words Data Structure](Problems/0211.cpp) | | 0213 | Medium | [House Robber II](Problems/0213.cpp) | -| 0215 | Medium | [Kth Largest Element in an Array](Problems/0215.cpp) | +| 0215 | Medium | [Kth Largest Element in an Array](Problems/0215.cpp) | | 0217 | Easy | [Contains Duplicate](Problems/0217.cpp) | -| 0219 | Easy | [Contains Duplicate II](Problems/0219.cpp) | +| 0219 | Easy | [Contains Duplicate II](Problems/0219.cpp) | | 0221 | Medium | [Maximal Square](Problems/0221.cpp) | | 0222 | Medium | [Count Complete Tree Nodes](Problems/0222.cpp) | | 0223 | Medium | [Rectangle Area](Problems/0223.cpp) | @@ -236,9 +236,9 @@ for solving problems. | 0374 | Easy | [Guess Number Higher or Lower](Problems/0374.cpp) | | 0376 | Medium | [Wiggle Subsequence](Problems/0376.cpp) | | 0377 | Medium | [Combination Sum IV](Problems/0377.cpp) | -| 0382 | Medium | [Linked List Random Node](Problems/0382.cpp) | +| 0382 | Medium | [Linked List Random Node](Problems/0382.cpp) | | 0383 | Easy | [Ransom Note](Problems/0383.cpp) | -| 0384 | Medium | [Shuffle an Array](Problems/0384.cpp) | +| 0384 | Medium | [Shuffle an Array](Problems/0384.cpp) | | 0387 | Easy | [First Unique Character in a String](Problems/0387.cpp) | | 0392 | Easy | [Is Subsequence](Problems/0392.cpp) | | 0394 | Medium | [Decode String](Problems/0394.cpp) | @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ for solving problems. | 0435 | Medium | [Non-overlapping Intervals](Problems/0435.cpp) | | 0437 | Medium | [Path Sum III](Problems/0437.cpp) | | 0438 | Medium | [Find All Anagrams in a String](Problems/0438.cpp) | -| 0443 | Medium | [String Compression](Problems/0443.cpp) | +| 0443 | Medium | [String Compression](Problems/0443.cpp) | | 0445 | Medium | [Add Two Numbers II](Problems/0445.cpp) | | 0448 | Easy | [Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array](Problems/0448.cpp) | | 0450 | Medium | [Delete Node in a BST](Problems/0450.cpp) | @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ for solving problems. | 0520 | Easy | [Detect Capital](Problems/0520.cpp) | | 0530 | Easy | [Minimum Absolute Difference in BST](Problems/0530.cpp) | | 0538 | Medium | [Convert BST to Greater Tree](Problems/0538.cpp) | -| 0540 | Medium | [Single Element in a Sorted Array](Problems/0540.cpp) | +| 0540 | Medium | [Single Element in a Sorted Array](Problems/0540.cpp) | | 0542 | Medium | [01 Matrix](Problems/0542.cpp) | | 0543 | Easy | [Diameter of Binary Tree](Problems/0543.cpp) | | 0547 | Medium | [Number of Provinces](Problems/0547.cpp) | @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ for solving problems. | 0872 | Easy | [Leaf-Similar Trees](Problems/0872.cpp) | | 0875 | Medium | [Koko Eating Bananas](Problems/0875.cpp) | | 0876 | Easy | [Middle of the Linked List](Problems/0876.cpp) | -| 0881 | Medium | [Boats to Save People](Problems/0881.cpp) | +| 0881 | Medium | [Boats to Save People](Problems/0881.cpp) | | 0884 | Easy | [Uncommon Words from Two Sentences](Problems/0884.cpp) | | 0886 | Medium | [Possible Bipartition](Problems/0886.cpp) | | 0897 | Easy | [Increasing Order Search Tree](Problems/0897.cpp) | @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ for solving problems. | 0905 | Easy | [Sort Array By Parity](Problems/0905.cpp) | | 0909 | Medium | [Snakes and Ladders](Problems/0909.cpp) | | 0912 | Medium | [Sort an Array](Problems/0912.cpp) | -| 0915 | Medium | [Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals](Problems/0915.cpp) | +| 0915 | Medium | [Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals](Problems/0915.cpp) | | 0918 | Medium | [Maximum Sum Circular Subarray](Problems/0918.cpp) | | 0926 | Medium | [Flip String to Monotone Increasing](Problems/0926.cpp) | | 0931 | Medium | [Minimum Falling Path Sum](Problems/0931.cpp) | @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ for solving problems. | 1202 | Medium | [Smallest String With Swaps](Problems/1202.cpp) | | 1209 | Medium | [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II](Problems/1209.cpp) | | 1249 | Medium | [Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses](Problems/1249.cpp) | -| 1254 | Medium | [Number of Closed Islands](Problems/1254.cpp) | +| 1254 | Medium | [Number of Closed Islands](Problems/1254.cpp) | | 1290 | Easy | [Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer](Problems/1290.cpp) | | 1302 | Medium | [Deepest Leaves Sum](Problems/1302.cpp) | | 1305 | Medium | [All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees](Problems/1305.cpp) | @@ -426,9 +426,9 @@ for solving problems. | 1373 | Hard | [Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree](Problems/1373.cpp) | | 1379 | Easy | [Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree](Problems/1379.cpp) | | 1382 | Medium | [Balance a Binary Search Tree](Problems/1382.cpp) | -| 1402 | Hard | [Reducing Dishes](Problems/1402.cpp) | +| 1402 | Hard | [Reducing Dishes](Problems/1402.cpp) | | 1425 | Hard | [Constrained Subsequence Sum](Problems/1425.cpp) | -| 1436 | Easy | [Destination City](Problems/1436.cpp) | +| 1436 | Easy | [Destination City](Problems/1436.cpp) | | 1438 | Medium | [Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit](Problems/1438.cpp) | | 1443 | Medium | [Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree](Problems/1443.cpp) | | 1444 | Hard | [Number of Ways of Cutting a Pizza](Problems/1444.cpp) | @@ -449,6 +449,7 @@ for solving problems. | 1609 | Medium | [Even Odd Tree](Problems/1609.cpp) | | 1615 | Medium | [Maximal Network Rank](Problems/1615.cpp) | | 1626 | Medium | [Best Team With No Conflicts](Problems/1626.cpp) | +| 1639 | Hard | [Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary](Problems/1639.cpp) | | 1646 | Easy | [Get Maximum in Generated Array](Problems/1646.cpp) | | 1669 | Medium | [Merge In Between Linked Lists](Problems/1669.cpp) | | 1672 | Easy | [Richest Customer Wealth](Problems/1672.cpp) | @@ -463,7 +464,7 @@ for solving problems. | 1823 | Medium | [Find the Winner of the Circular Game](Problems/1823.cpp) | | 1833 | Medium | [Maximum Ice Cream Bars](Problems/1833.cpp) | | 1834 | Medium | [Single-Threaded CPU](Problems/1834.cpp) | -| 1857 | Hard | [Largest Color Value in a Directed Graph](Problems/1857.cpp) | +| 1857 | Hard | [Largest Color Value in a Directed Graph](Problems/1857.cpp) | | 1926 | Medium | [Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze](Problems/1926.cpp) | | 1962 | Medium | [Remove Stones to Minimize the Total](Problems/1962.cpp) | | 1971 | Easy | [Find if Path Exists in Graph](Problems/1971.cpp) | @@ -484,7 +485,7 @@ for solving problems. | 2218 | Hard | [Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles](Problems/2218.cpp) | | 2235 | Easy | [Add Two Integers](Problems/2235.cpp) | | 2236 | Easy | [Root Equals Sum of Children](Problems/2236.cpp) | -| 2243 | Easy | [Calculate Digit Sum of a String](Problems/2243.cpp) | +| 2243 | Easy | [Calculate Digit Sum of a String](Problems/2243.cpp) | | 2244 | Medium | [Minimum Rounds to Complete All Tasks](Problems/2244.cpp) | | 2246 | Hard | [Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters](Problems/2246.cpp) | | 2265 | Medium | [Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree](Problems/2265.cpp) | @@ -496,7 +497,7 @@ for solving problems. | 2326 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix IV](Problems/2326.cpp) | | 2331 | Easy | [Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree](Problems/2331.cpp) | | 2343 | Medium | [Query Kth Smallest Trimmed Number](Problems/2343.cpp) | -| 2348 | Medium | [Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays](Problems/2348.cpp) | +| 2348 | Medium | [Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays](Problems/2348.cpp) | | 2359 | Medium | [Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes](Problems/2359.cpp) | | 2360 | Hard | [Longest Cycle in a Graph](Problems/2360.cpp) | | 2368 | Medium | [Reachable Nodes With Restrictions](Problems/2368.cpp) | @@ -504,7 +505,7 @@ for solving problems. | 2390 | Medium | [Removing Stars From a String](Problems/2390.cpp) | | 2405 | Medium | [Optimal Partition of String](Problems/2405.cpp) | | 2421 | Medium | [Number of Good Paths](Problems/2421.cpp) | -| 2439 | Medium | [Minimize Maximum of Array](Problems/2439.cpp) | +| 2439 | Medium | [Minimize Maximum of Array](Problems/2439.cpp) | | 2444 | Hard | [Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds](Problems/2444.cpp) | | 2461 | Medium | [Maximum Sum of Distinct Subarrays With Length K](Problems/2461.cpp) | | 2465 | Easy | [Number of Distinct Averages](Problems/2465.cpp) |