
Solution to some Leetcode problems written in C++
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commit 8429458f3fc06c28833d71d161c1afefe4943513
parent 1efab4bbb1279f3e413b636a3f73f8ae62c84ada
Author: Dimitrije Dobrota <mail@dimitrijedobrota.com>
Date:   Mon,  4 Sep 2023 16:27:52 +0200

5 Random Problems

AProblems/0216.cpp | 20++++++++++++++++++++
AProblems/1343.cpp | 18++++++++++++++++++
AProblems/1525.cpp | 28++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
AProblems/1992.cpp | 19+++++++++++++++++++
AProblems/2641.cpp | 35+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MREADME.md | 1431++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
6 files changed, 838 insertions(+), 713 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Problems/0216.cpp b/Problems/0216.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +class Solution { + public: + vector<vector<int>> combinationSum3(int k, int n) { + vector<vector<int>> res; + vector<int> comb; + for (uint16_t i = 0; i < (1 << 9); i++) { + if (__builtin_popcount(i) != k) continue; + int crnt = i, total = 0; + + comb.clear(); + while (crnt) { + comb.push_back(__builtin_ffs(crnt)); + total += comb.back(); + crnt &= crnt - 1; + } + if (total == n) res.push_back(comb); + } + return res; + } +}; diff --git a/Problems/1343.cpp b/Problems/1343.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +class Solution { + public: + int numOfSubarrays(const vector<int> &arr, int k, int threshold) { + int total = 0, res = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) + total += arr[i]; + + threshold *= k; + for (int i = k; i < arr.size(); i++) { + if (total >= threshold) res++; + total += arr[i]; + total -= arr[i - k]; + } + if (total >= threshold) res++; + + return res; + } +}; diff --git a/Problems/1525.cpp b/Problems/1525.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +class Solution { + public: + int numSplits(const string &s) { + bool seen[27] = {0}; + int uniq[100000] = {0}; + + for (int i = 0, acc = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { + if (!seen[s[i] & 0x1F]) { + seen[s[i] & 0x1F] = true; + acc++; + } + uniq[i] = acc; + } + + memset(seen, 0x00, sizeof(seen)); + seen[s.back() & 0x1F] = true; + + int res = 0; + for (int i = s.size() - 2, acc = 1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (uniq[i] == acc) res++; + if (seen[s[i] & 0x1F]) continue; + seen[s[i] & 0x1F] = true; + acc++; + } + + return res; + } +}; diff --git a/Problems/1992.cpp b/Problems/1992.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +class Solution { + public: + vector<vector<int>> findFarmland(const vector<vector<int>> &land) { + const int n = land.size(), m = land[0].size(); + vector<vector<int>> res; + for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { + for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { + if (!land[i][j] || (i > 0 && land[i - 1][j]) || (j > 0 && land[i][j - 1])) continue; + int a = i, b = j; + while (a < n && land[a][j]) + a++; + while (b < m && land[i][b]) + b++; + res.push_back({i, j, a - 1, b - 1}); + } + } + return res; + } +}; diff --git a/Problems/2641.cpp b/Problems/2641.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +class Solution { + public: + TreeNode *replaceValueInTree(TreeNode *root) { + queue<TreeNode *> q({root}); + vector<TreeNode *> buf; + root->val = 0; + while (!q.empty()) { + int sum = 0; + buf.clear(); + for (int k = q.size(); k > 0; k--) { + TreeNode *node = q.front(); + q.pop(); + buf.push_back(node); + + if (node->left) { + sum += node->left->val; + q.push(node->left); + } + + if (node->right) { + sum += node->right->val; + q.push(node->right); + } + } + for (auto node : buf) { + int t = sum; + if (node->left) t -= node->left->val; + if (node->right) t -= node->right->val; + if (node->left) node->left->val = t; + if (node->right) node->right->val = t; + } + } + return root; + } +}; diff --git a/README.md b/README.md @@ -23,716 +23,721 @@ for solving problems. ## Problems -| Number | Difficulty | Solution | -|:------:|:----------:|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -| 0001 | Easy | [Two Sum](Problems/0001.cpp) | -| 0002 | Medium | [Add Two Numbers](Problems/0002.cpp) | -| 0003 | Medium | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](Problems/0003.cpp) | -| 0005 | Medium | [Longest Palindromic Substring](Problems/0005.cpp) | -| 0006 | Medium | [Zigzag Conversion](Problems/0006.cpp) | -| 0007 | Medium | [Reverse Integer](Problems/0007.cpp) | -| 0008 | Medium | [String to Integer (atoi)](Problems/0008.cpp) | -| 0009 | Easy | [Palindrome Number](Problems/0009.cpp) | -| 0011 | Medium | [Container With Most Water](Problems/0011.cpp) | -| 0012 | Medium | [Integer to Roman](Problems/0012.cpp) | -| 0013 | Easy | [Roman to Integer](Problems/0013.cpp) | -| 0014 | Easy | [Longest Common Prefix](Problems/0014.cpp) | -| 0015 | Medium | [3Sum](Problems/0015.cpp) | -| 0016 | Medium | [3Sum Closest](Problems/0016.cpp) | -| 0017 | Medium | [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](Problems/0017.cpp) | -| 0018 | Medium | [4Sum](Problems/0018.cpp) | -| 0019 | Medium | [Remove Nth Node From the End of List](Problems/0019.cpp) | -| 0020 | Easy | [Valid Parentheses](Problems/0020.cpp) | -| 0021 | Easy | [Merge Two Sorted Lists](Problems/0021.cpp) | -| 0022 | Medium | [Generate Parentheses](Problems/0022.cpp) | -| 0023 | Hard | [Merge k Sorted Lists](Problems/0023.cpp) | -| 0024 | Medium | [Swap Nodes in Pairs](Problems/0024.cpp) | -| 0025 | Hard | [Reverse Nodes in k-Group](Problems/0025.cpp) | -| 0026 | Easy | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](Problems/0026.cpp) | -| 0027 | Easy | [Remove Element](Problems/0027.cpp) | -| 0028 | Medium | [Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String](Problems/0028.cpp) | -| 0029 | Medium | [Divide Two Integers](Problems/0029.cpp) | -| 0031 | Medium | [Next Permutation](Problems/0031.cpp) | -| 0033 | Medium | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array](Problems/0033.cpp) | -| 0034 | Medium | [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array](Problems/0034.cpp) | -| 0035 | Easy | [Search Insert Position](Problems/0035.cpp) | -| 0036 | Medium | [Valid Sudoku](Problems/0036.cpp) | -| 0037 | Hard | [Sudoku Solver](Problems/0037.cpp) | -| 0038 | Medium | [Count and Say](Problems/0038.cpp) | -| 0039 | Medium | [Combination Sum](Problems/0039.cpp) | -| 0040 | Medium | [Combination Sum II](Problems/0040.cpp) | -| 0042 | Medium | [Trapping Rain Water](Problems/0011.cpp) | -| 0043 | Medium | [Multiply Strings](Problems/0043.cpp) | -| 0044 | Hard | [Wildcard Matching](Problems/0044.cpp) | -| 0045 | Medium | [Jump Game II](Problems/0045.cpp) | -| 0046 | Medium | [Permutations](Problems/0046.cpp) | -| 0047 | Medium | [Permutations II ](Problems/0047.cpp) | -| 0048 | Medium | [Rotate Image](Problems/0048.cpp) | -| 0049 | Medium | [Group Anagrams](Problems/0049.cpp) | -| 0050 | Medium | [Pow(x, n)](Problems/0050.cpp) | -| 0051 | Hard | [N-Queens](Problems/0051.cpp) | -| 0052 | Hard | [N-Queens II](Problems/0052.cpp) | -| 0053 | Medium | [Maximum Subarray](Problems/0053.cpp) | -| 0054 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix](Problems/0054.cpp) | -| 0055 | Medium | [Jump Game](Problems/0055.cpp) | -| 0056 | Medium | [Merge Intervals](Problems/0056.cpp) | -| 0057 | Medium | [Insert Interval](Problems/0057.cpp) | -| 0058 | Easy | [Length of Last Word](Problems/0058.cpp) | -| 0059 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix II](Problems/0059.cpp) | -| 0060 | Hard | [Permutation Sequence](Problems/0060.cpp) | -| 0061 | Medium | [Rotate List](Problems/0061.cpp) | -| 0062 | Medium | [Unique Paths](Problems/0062.cpp) | -| 0063 | Medium | [Unique Paths II](Problems/0063.cpp) | -| 0064 | Medium | [Minimum Path Sum](Problems/0064.cpp) | -| 0066 | Easy | [Plus One](Problems/0066.cpp) | -| 0067 | Easy | [Add Binary](Problems/0067.cpp) | -| 0068 | Hard | [Text Justification](Problems/0068.cpp) | -| 0069 | Easy | [Sqrt(x)](Problems/0069.cpp) | -| 0070 | Easy | [Climbing Stairs](Problems/0070.cpp) | -| 0071 | Medium | [Simplify Path](Problems/0071.cpp) | -| 0072 | Hard | [Edit Distance](Problems/0072.cpp) | -| 0073 | Medium | [Set Matrix Zeroes](Problems/0073.cpp) | -| 0074 | Medium | [Search a 2D Matrix](Problems/0074.cpp) | -| 0075 | Medium | [Sort Colors](Problems/0075.cpp) | -| 0076 | Hard | [Minimum Window Substring](Problems/0076.cpp) | -| 0077 | Medium | [Combinations](Problems/0077.cpp) | -| 0078 | Medium | [Subsets](Problems/0078.cpp) | -| 0079 | Medium | [Word Search](Problems/0079.cpp) | -| 0080 | Medium | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II](Problems/0080.cpp) | -| 0081 | Medium | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array II](Problems/0081.cpp) | -| 0082 | Medium | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II](Problems/0082.cpp) | -| 0083 | Easy | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List](Problems/0083.cpp) | -| 0084 | Hard | [Largest Rectangle in Histogram](Problems/0084.cpp) | -| 0086 | Medium | [Partition List](Problems/0086.cpp) | -| 0087 | Hard | [Scramble String](Problems/0087.cpp) | -| 0088 | Easy | [Merge Sorted Array](Problems/0088.cpp) | -| 0090 | Medium | [Subsets II](Problems/0090.cpp) | -| 0091 | Medium | [Decode Ways](Problems/0091.cpp) | -| 0092 | Medium | [Reverse Linked List II](Problems/0092.cpp) | -| 0093 | Medium | [Restore IP Addresses](Problems/0093.cpp) | -| 0094 | Easy | [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](Problems/0094.cpp) | -| 0095 | Medium | [Unique Binary Search Trees II](Problems/0095.cpp) | -| 0096 | Medium | [Unique Binary Search Trees](Problems/0096.cpp) | -| 0097 | Medium | [Interleaving String](Problems/0097.cpp) | -| 0098 | Medium | [Validate Binary Search Tree](Problems/0098.cpp) | -| 0099 | Medium | [Recover Binary Search Tree](Problems/0099.cpp) | -| 0100 | Easy | [Same Tree](Problems/0100.cpp) | -| 0101 | Easy | [Symmetric Tree](Problems/0101.cpp) | -| 0102 | Medium | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](Problems/0102.cpp) | -| 0103 | Medium | [Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal](Problems/0103.cpp) | -| 0104 | Easy | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](Problems/0104.cpp) | -| 0105 | Medium | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal](Problems/0105.cpp) | -| 0106 | Medium | [Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal](Problems/0106.cpp) | -| 0107 | Medium | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II](Problems/0107.cpp) | -| 0108 | Easy | [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](Problems/0108.cpp) | -| 0109 | Medium | [Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree](Problems/0109.cpp) | -| 0110 | Easy | [Balanced Binary Tree](Problems/0110.cpp) | -| 0111 | Easy | [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](Problems/0111.cpp) | -| 0112 | Easy | [Path Sum](Problems/0112.cpp) | -| 0113 | Medium | [Path Sum II](Problems/0113.cpp) | -| 0114 | Medium | [Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](Problems/0114.cpp) | -| 0116 | Medium | [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node](Problems/0116.cpp) | -| 0117 | Medium | [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II](Problems/0117.cpp) | -| 0118 | Easy | [Pascal's Triangle](Problems/0118.cpp) | -| 0119 | Easy | [Pascal's Triangle II](Problems/0119.cpp) | -| 0120 | Medium | [Triangle](Problems/0120.cpp) | -| 0121 | Easy | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](Problems/0121.cpp) | -| 0122 | Medium | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](Problems/0122.cpp) | -| 0124 | Hard | [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](Problems/0124.cpp) | -| 0125 | Easy | [Valid Palindrome](Problems/0125.cpp) | -| 0128 | Medium | [Longest Consecutive Sequence](Problems/0128.cpp) | -| 0129 | Medium | [Sum Root to Leaf Numbers](Problems/0129.cpp) | -| 0130 | Medium | [Surrounded Regions](Problems/0130.cpp) | -| 0131 | Medium | [Palindrome Partitioning](Problems/0131.cpp) | -| 0133 | Medium | [Clone Graph](Problems/0133.cpp) | -| 0134 | Medium | [Gas Station](Problems/0134.cpp) | -| 0135 | Hard | [Candy](Problems/0135.cpp) | -| 0136 | Easy | [Single Number](Problems/0136.cpp) | -| 0137 | Medium | [Single Number II](Problems/0137.cpp) | -| 0138 | Medium | [Copy List with Random Pointer](Problems/0138.cpp) | -| 0139 | Medium | [Word Break](Problems/0139.cpp) | -| 0141 | Easy | [Linked List Cycle](Problems/0141.cpp) | -| 0142 | Medium | [Linked List Cycle II](Problems/0142.cpp) | -| 0143 | Medium | [Reorder List](Problems/0143.cpp) | -| 0144 | Medium | [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal](Problems/0144.cpp) | -| 0145 | Easy | [Binary Tree Postorder Traversal](Problems/0145.cpp) | -| 0146 | Medium | [LRU Cache](Problems/0146.cpp) | -| 0148 | Medium | [Sort List](Problems/0148.cpp) | -| 0149 | Hard | [Max Points on a Line](Problems/0149.cpp) | -| 0150 | Medium | [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation](Problems/0150.cpp) | -| 0151 | Medium | [Reverse Words in a String](Problems/0151.cpp) | -| 0152 | Medium | [Maximum Product Subarray](Problems/0152.cpp) | -| 0153 | Medium | [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](Problems/0153.cpp) | -| 0155 | Medium | [Min Stack](Problems/0155.cpp) | -| 0160 | Easy | [Intersection of Two Linked Lists](Problems/0160.cpp) | -| 0162 | Medium | [Find Peak Element](Problems/0162.cpp) | -| 0164 | Hard | [Maximum Gap](Problems/0164.cpp) | -| 0165 | Medium | [Compare Version Numbers](Problems/0165.cpp) | -| 0167 | Medium | [Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted](Problems/0167.cpp) | -| 0168 | Easy | [Excel Sheet Column Title](Problems/0168.cpp) | -| 0169 | Easy | [Majority Element](Problems/0169.cpp) | -| 0171 | Easy | [Excel Sheet Column Number](Problems/0171.cpp) | -| 0173 | Medium | [Binary Search Tree Iterator](Problems/0173.cpp) | -| 0179 | Medium | [Largest Number](Problems/0179.cpp) | -| 0187 | Medium | [Repeated DNA Sequences](Problems/0187.cpp) | -| 0189 | Medium | [Rotate Array](Problems/0189.cpp) | -| 0190 | Easy | [Reverse Bits](Problems/0190.cpp) | -| 0191 | Easy | [Number of 1 Bits](Problems/0191.cpp) | -| 0192 | Medium | [Word Frequency](Problems/0192.sh) | -| 0193 | Easy | [Valid Phone Numbers](Problems/0193.sh) | -| 0194 | Medium | [Transpose File](Problems/0194.sh) | -| 0195 | Easy | [Tenth Line](Problems/0195.sh) | -| 0198 | Medium | [House Robber](Problems/0198.cpp) | -| 0199 | Medium | [Binary Tree Right Side View](Problems/0199.cpp) | -| 0200 | Medium | [Number of Islands](Problems/0200.cpp) | -| 0201 | Medium | [Bitwise AND of Numbers Range](Problems/0201.cpp) | -| 0202 | Easy | [Happy Number](Problems/0202.cpp) | -| 0203 | Easy | [Remove Linked List Elements](Problems/0203.cpp) | -| 0204 | Medium | [Count Primes](Problems/0204.cpp) | -| 0205 | Easy | [Isomorphic Strings](Problems/0205.cpp) | -| 0206 | Easy | [Reverse Linked List](Problems/0206.cpp) | -| 0207 | Medium | [Course Schedule](Problems/0207.cpp) | -| 0208 | Medium | [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)](Problems/0208.cpp) | -| 0209 | Medium | [Minimum Size Subarray Sum](Problems/0209.cpp) | -| 0210 | Medium | [Course Schedule II](Problems/0210.cpp) | -| 0211 | Medium | [Design Add and Search Words Data Structure](Problems/0211.cpp) | -| 0213 | Medium | [House Robber II](Problems/0213.cpp) | -| 0215 | Medium | [Kth Largest Element in an Array](Problems/0215.cpp) | -| 0217 | Easy | [Contains Duplicate](Problems/0217.cpp) | -| 0219 | Easy | [Contains Duplicate II](Problems/0219.cpp) | -| 0221 | Medium | [Maximal Square](Problems/0221.cpp) | -| 0222 | Medium | [Count Complete Tree Nodes](Problems/0222.cpp) | -| 0223 | Medium | [Rectangle Area](Problems/0223.cpp) | -| 0225 | Easy | [Implement Stack using Queues](Problems/0225.cpp) | -| 0226 | Easy | [Invert Binary Tree](Problems/0226.cpp) | -| 0227 | Medium | [Basic Calculator II](Problems/0227.cpp) | -| 0228 | Easy | [Summary Ranges](Problems/0228.cpp) | -| 0231 | Easy | [Power of Two](Problems/0231.cpp) | -| 0232 | Easy | [Implement Queue using Stacks](Problems/0232.cpp) | -| 0234 | Easy | [Palindrome Linked List](Problems/0234.cpp) | -| 0235 | Medium | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree](Problems/0235.cpp) | -| 0236 | Medium | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree](Problems/0236.cpp) | -| 0237 | Medium | [Delete Node in a Linked List](Problems/0237.cpp) | -| 0238 | Medium | [Product of Array Except Self](Problems/0238.cpp) | -| 0239 | Hard | [Sliding Window Maximum](Problems/0239.cpp) | -| 0240 | Medium | [Search a 2D Matrix II](Problems/0240.cpp) | -| 0241 | Medium | [Different Ways to Add Parentheses](Problems/0241.cpp) | -| 0242 | Easy | [Valid Anagram](Problems/0242.cpp) | -| 0257 | Easy | [Binary Tree Paths](Problems/0257.cpp) | -| 0258 | Easy | [Add Digits](Problems/0258.cpp) | -| 0263 | Easy | [Ugly Number](Problems/0263.cpp) | -| 0264 | Medium | [Ugly Number II](Problems/0264.cpp) | -| 0268 | Easy | [Missing Number](Problems/0268.cpp) | -| 0274 | Medium | [H-Index](Problems/0274.cpp) | -| 0278 | Easy | [First Bad Version](Problems/0278.cpp) | -| 0279 | Medium | [Perfect Squares](Problems/0279.cpp) | -| 0283 | Easy | [Move Zeroes](Problems/0283.cpp) | -| 0287 | Medium | [Find the Duplicate Number](Problems/0287.cpp) | -| 0289 | Medium | [Game of Life](Problems/0289.cpp) | -| 0290 | Easy | [Word Pattern](Problems/0290.cpp) | -| 0292 | Easy | [Nim Game](Problems/0292.cpp) | -| 0295 | Hard | [Find Median from Data Stream](Problems/0295.cpp) | -| 0297 | Hard | [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree](Problems/0297.cpp) | -| 0299 | Medium | [Bulls and Cows](Problems/0299.cpp) | -| 0300 | Medium | [Longest Increasing Subsequence](Problems/0300.cpp) | -| 0304 | Medium | [Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable](Problems/0304.cpp) | -| 0306 | Medium | [Additive Number](Problems/0306.cpp) | -| 0309 | Medium | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown](Problems/0309.cpp) | -| 0310 | Medium | [Minimum Height Trees](Problems/0310.cpp) | -| 0319 | Medium | [Bulb Switcher](Problems/0319.cpp) | -| 0322 | Medium | [Coin Change](Problems/0322.cpp) | -| 0326 | Easy | [Power of Three](Problems/0326.cpp) | -| 0328 | Medium | [Odd Even Linked List](Problems/0328.cpp) | -| 0334 | Medium | [Increasing Triplet Subsequence](Problems/0334.cpp) | -| 0338 | Easy | [Counting Bits](Problems/0338.cpp) | -| 0342 | Easy | [Power of Four](Problems/0342.cpp) | -| 0343 | Medium | [Integer Break](Problems/0343.cpp) | -| 0344 | Easy | [Reverse String](Problems/0344.cpp) | -| 0345 | Easy | [Reverse Vowels of a String](Problems/0345.cpp) | -| 0347 | Medium | [Top K Frequent Elements](Problems/0347.cpp) | -| 0350 | Easy | [Intersection of Two Arrays II](Problems/0350.cpp) | -| 0352 | Hard | [Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals](Problems/0352.cpp) | -| 0367 | Easy | [Valid Perfect Square](Problems/0367.cpp) | -| 0371 | Medium | [Sum of Two Integers](Problems/0371.cpp) | -| 0373 | Medium | [Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums](Problems/0373.cpp) | -| 0374 | Easy | [Guess Number Higher or Lower](Problems/0374.cpp) | -| 0376 | Medium | [Wiggle Subsequence](Problems/0376.cpp) | -| 0377 | Medium | [Combination Sum IV](Problems/0377.cpp) | -| 0382 | Medium | [Linked List Random Node](Problems/0382.cpp) | -| 0383 | Easy | [Ransom Note](Problems/0383.cpp) | -| 0384 | Medium | [Shuffle an Array](Problems/0384.cpp) | -| 0387 | Easy | [First Unique Character in a String](Problems/0387.cpp) | -| 0392 | Easy | [Is Subsequence](Problems/0392.cpp) | -| 0394 | Medium | [Decode String](Problems/0394.cpp) | -| 0399 | Medium | [Evaluate Division](Problems/0399.cpp) | -| 0402 | Medium | [Remove K Digits](Problems/0402.cpp) | -| 0403 | Hard | [Frog Jump](Problems/0403.cpp) | -| 0404 | Easy | [Sum of Left Leaves](Problems/0404.cpp) | -| 0406 | Medium | [Queue Reconstruction by Height](Problems/0406.cpp) | -| 0409 | Easy | [Longest Palindrome](Problems/0409.cpp) | -| 0412 | Easy | [Fizz Buzz](Problems/0412.cpp) | -| 0413 | Medium | [Arithmetic Slices](Problems/0413.cpp) | -| 0414 | Easy | [Third Maximum Number](Problems/0414.cpp) | -| 0415 | Easy | [Add Strings](Problems/0415.cpp) | -| 0416 | Medium | [Partition Equal Subset Sum](Problems/0416.cpp) | -| 0417 | Medium | [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow](Problems/0417.cpp) | -| 0419 | Medium | [Battleships in a Board](Problems/0419.cpp) | -| 0424 | Medium | [Longest Repeating Character Replacement](Problems/0424.cpp) | -| 0427 | Medium | [Construct Quad Tree](Problems/0427.cpp) | -| 0429 | Medium | [N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal](Problems/0429.cpp) | -| 0430 | Medium | [Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked list](Problems/0430.cpp) | -| 0433 | Medium | [Minimum Genetic Mutation](Problems/0433.cpp) | -| 0435 | Medium | [Non-overlapping Intervals](Problems/0435.cpp) | -| 0437 | Medium | [Path Sum III](Problems/0437.cpp) | -| 0438 | Medium | [Find All Anagrams in a String](Problems/0438.cpp) | -| 0442 | Medium | [Find All Duplicates in an Array](Problems/0442.cpp) | -| 0443 | Medium | [String Compression](Problems/0443.cpp) | -| 0445 | Medium | [Add Two Numbers II](Problems/0445.cpp) | -| 0448 | Easy | [Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array](Problems/0448.cpp) | -| 0450 | Medium | [Delete Node in a BST](Problems/0450.cpp) | -| 0451 | Medium | [Sort Characters By Frequency](Problems/0451.cpp) | -| 0452 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons](Problems/0452.cpp) | -| 0459 | Easy | [Repeated Substring Pattern](Problems/0459.cpp) | -| 0460 | Hard | [LFU Cache](Problems/0460.cpp) | -| 0472 | Hard | [Concatenated Words](Problems/0472.cpp) | -| 0485 | Easy | [Max Consecutive Ones](Problems/0485.cpp) | -| 0486 | Medium | [Reachable Nodes With Restrictions](Problems/0486.cpp) | -| 0491 | Medium | [Non-decreasing Subsequences](Problems/0491.cpp) | -| 0494 | Medium | [Target Sum](Problems/0494.cpp) | -| 0496 | Medium | [Next Greater Element I](Problems/0496.cpp) | -| 0498 | Medium | [Diagonal Traverse](Problems/0498.cpp) | -| 0501 | Easy | [Find Mode in Binary Search Tree](Problems/0501.cpp) | -| 0502 | Hard | [IPO](Problems/0502.cpp) | -| 0503 | Medium | [Next Greater Element II](Problems/0503.cpp) | -| 0509 | Easy | [Fibonacci Number](Problems/0509.cpp) | -| 0516 | Medium | [Longest Palindromic Subsequence](Problems/0516.cpp) | -| 0518 | Medium | [Coin Change II](Problems/0518.cpp) | -| 0520 | Easy | [Detect Capital](Problems/0520.cpp) | -| 0530 | Easy | [Minimum Absolute Difference in BST](Problems/0530.cpp) | -| 0535 | Medium | [Encode and Decode TinyURL](Problems/0532.cpp) | -| 0535 | Medium | [K-diff Pairs in an Array](Problems/0532.cpp) | -| 0537 | Medium | [Complex Number Multiplication](Problems/0537.cpp) | -| 0538 | Medium | [Convert BST to Greater Tree](Problems/0538.cpp) | -| 0540 | Medium | [Single Element in a Sorted Array](Problems/0540.cpp) | -| 0542 | Medium | [01 Matrix](Problems/0542.cpp) | -| 0543 | Easy | [Diameter of Binary Tree](Problems/0543.cpp) | -| 0547 | Medium | [Number of Provinces](Problems/0547.cpp) | -| 0556 | Medium | [Next Greater Element III](Problems/0556.cpp) | -| 0557 | Easy | [Reverse Words in a String III](Problems/0557.cpp) | -| 0559 | Easy | [Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree](Problems/0559.cpp) | -| 0560 | Medium | [Subarray Sum Equals K](Problems/0560.cpp) | -| 0561 | Easy | [Array Partition](Problems/0561.cpp) | -| 0563 | Easy | [Binary Tree Tilt](Problems/0563.cpp) | -| 0566 | Easy | [Reshape the Matrix](Problems/0566.cpp) | -| 0567 | Medium | [Permutation in String](Problems/0567.cpp) | -| 0572 | Easy | [Subtree of Another Tree](Problems/0572.cpp) | -| 0583 | Medium | [Delete Operation for Two Strings](Problems/0583.cpp) | -| 0589 | Easy | [N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal](Problems/0589.cpp) | -| 0590 | Easy | [N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal](Problems/0590.cpp) | -| 0605 | Easy | [Can Place Flowers](Problems/0605.cpp) | -| 0606 | Easy | [Construct String from Binary Tree ](Problems/0606.cpp) | -| 0617 | Easy | [Merge Two Binary Trees](Problems/0617.cpp) | -| 0621 | Medium | [Task Scheduler](Problems/0621.cpp) | -| 0637 | Easy | [Average of Levels in Binary Tree](Problems/0637.cpp) | -| 0646 | Medium | [Maximum Length of Pair Chain](Problems/0646.cpp) | -| 0649 | Medium | [Dota2 Senate](Problems/0649.cpp) | -| 0652 | Medium | [Find Duplicate Subtrees](Problems/0652.cpp) | -| 0653 | Easy | [Two Sum IV - Input is a BST](Problems/0653.cpp) | -| 0654 | Medium | [Maximum Binary Tree](Problems/0654.cpp) | -| 0662 | Medium | [Maximum Width of Binary Tree](Problems/0662.cpp) | -| 0664 | Hard | [Strange Printer](Problems/0664.cpp) | -| 0669 | Medium | [Trim a Binary Search Tree](Problems/0669.cpp) | -| 0671 | Easy | [Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree](Problems/0671.cpp) | -| 0673 | Medium | [Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence](Problems/0673.cpp) | -| 0684 | Medium | [Redundant Connection](Problems/0684.cpp) | -| 0688 | Medium | [Knight Probability in Chessboard](Problems/0688.cpp) | -| 0692 | Medium | [Top K Frequent Words](Problems/0692.cpp) | -| 0695 | Medium | [Max Area of Island](Problems/0695.cpp) | -| 0700 | Easy | [Search in a Binary Search Tree](Problems/0700.cpp) | -| 0701 | Medium | [Insert into a Binary Search Tree](Problems/0701.cpp) | -| 0703 | Easy | [Kth Largest Element in a Stream](Problems/0703.cpp) | -| 0704 | Easy | [Binary Search](Problems/0704.cpp) | -| 0705 | Easy | [Design HashSet](Problems/0705.cpp) | -| 0706 | Easy | [Design HashMap](Problems/0706.cpp) | -| 0707 | Medium | [Design Linked List](Problems/0707.cpp) | -| 0712 | Medium | [Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings](Problems/0712.cpp) | -| 0713 | Medium | [Subarray Product Less Than K](Problems/0713.cpp) | -| 0714 | Medium | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee](Problems/0714.cpp) | -| 0724 | Easy | [Find Pivot Index](Problems/0724.cpp) | -| 0733 | Easy | [Flood Fill](Problems/0733.cpp) | -| 0735 | Medium | [Asteroid Collision](Problems/0735.cpp) | -| 0739 | Medium | [Daily Temperatures](Problems/0739.cpp) | -| 0740 | Medium | [Delete and Earn](Problems/0740.cpp) | -| 0743 | Medium | [Network Delay Time](Problems/0743.cpp) | -| 0744 | Easy | [Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target](Problems/0744.cpp) | -| 0746 | Easy | [Min Cost Climbing Stairs](Problems/0746.cpp) | -| 0747 | Easy | [Largest Number At Least Twice of Others](Problems/0747.cpp) | -| 0752 | Medium | [Open the Lock](Problems/0752.cpp) | -| 0763 | Medium | [Partition Labels](Problems/0763.cpp) | -| 0767 | Medium | [Reorganize String](Problems/0767.cpp) | -| 0783 | Easy | [Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes](Problems/0783.cpp) | -| 0784 | Medium | [Letter Case Permutation](Problems/0784.cpp) | -| 0785 | Medium | [Is Graph Bipartite?](Problems/0785.cpp) | -| 0787 | Medium | [Cheapest Flights Within K Stops](Problems/0787.cpp) | -| 0791 | Medium | [Custom Sort String](Problems/0791.cpp) | -| 0797 | Medium | [All Paths From Source to Target](Problems/0797.cpp) | -| 0802 | Medium | [Find Eventual Safe States](Problems/0802.cpp) | -| 0807 | Medium | [Max Increase to Keep City Skyline](Problems/0807.cpp) | -| 0808 | Medium | [Soup Servings](Problems/0808.cpp) | -| 0811 | Medium | [Subdomain Visit Count](Problems/0811.cpp) | -| 0814 | Medium | [Binary Tree Pruning](Problems/0814.cpp) | -| 0815 | Hard | [Bus Routes](Problems/0815.cpp) | -| 0830 | Medium | [Kth Smallest Element in a BST](Problems/0230.cpp) | -| 0837 | Medium | [New 21 Game](Problems/0837.cpp) | -| 0839 | Hard | [Similar String Groups](Problems/0839.cpp) | -| 0841 | Medium | [Keys and Rooms](Problems/0841.cpp) | -| 0844 | Easy | [Backspace String Compare](Problems/0844.cpp) | -| 0851 | Medium | [Loud and Rich](Problems/0851.cpp) | -| 0852 | Medium | [Peak Index in a Mountain Array](Problems/0852.cpp) | -| 0853 | Medium | [Car Fleet](Problems/0853.cpp) | -| 0859 | Easy | [Buddy Strings](Problems/0859.cpp) | -| 0861 | Medium | [Score After Flipping Matrix](Problems/0861.cpp) | -| 0863 | Medium | [All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree](Problems/0863.cpp) | -| 0864 | Hard | [Shortest Path to Get All Keys](Problems/0864.cpp) | -| 0865 | Medium | [Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes](Problems/0865.cpp) | -| 0872 | Easy | [Leaf-Similar Trees](Problems/0872.cpp) | -| 0875 | Medium | [Koko Eating Bananas](Problems/0875.cpp) | -| 0876 | Easy | [Middle of the Linked List](Problems/0876.cpp) | -| 0877 | Medium | [Stone Game](Problems/0877.cpp) | -| 0879 | Hard | [Profitable Schemes](Problems/0879.cpp) | -| 0881 | Medium | [Boats to Save People](Problems/0881.cpp) | -| 0884 | Easy | [Uncommon Words from Two Sentences](Problems/0884.cpp) | -| 0885 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix III](Problems/0885.cpp) | -| 0886 | Medium | [Possible Bipartition](Problems/0886.cpp) | -| 0889 | Medium | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal](Problems/0889.cpp) | -| 0890 | Medium | [Find and Replace Pattern](Problems/0890.cpp) | -| 0893 | Medium | [Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings](Problems/0893.cpp) | -| 0894 | Medium | [All Possible Full Binary Trees](Problems/0894.cpp) | -| 0897 | Easy | [Increasing Order Search Tree](Problems/0897.cpp) | -| 0901 | Medium | [Online Stock Span](Problems/0901.cpp) | -| 0904 | Medium | [Fruit Into Baskets](Problems/0904.cpp) | -| 0905 | Easy | [Sort Array By Parity](Problems/0905.cpp) | -| 0909 | Medium | [Snakes and Ladders](Problems/0909.cpp) | -| 0912 | Medium | [Sort an Array](Problems/0912.cpp) | -| 0915 | Medium | [Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals](Problems/0915.cpp) | -| 0918 | Medium | [Maximum Sum Circular Subarray](Problems/0918.cpp) | -| 0920 | Hard | [Number of Music Playlists](Problems/0920.cpp) | -| 0921 | Medium | [Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid](Problems/0921.cpp) | -| 0926 | Medium | [Flip String to Monotone Increasing](Problems/0926.cpp) | -| 0931 | Medium | [Minimum Falling Path Sum](Problems/0931.cpp) | -| 0933 | Easy | [Number of Recent Calls](Problems/0933.cpp) | -| 0934 | Medium | [Shortest Bridge](Problems/0934.cpp) | -| 0938 | Easy | [Range Sum of BST](Problems/0938.cpp) | -| 0941 | Easy | [Valid Mountain Array](Problems/0941.cpp) | -| 0944 | Easy | [Delete Columns to Make Sorted](Problems/0944.cpp) | -| 0946 | Medium | [Validate Stack Sequences](Problems/0946.cpp) | -| 0947 | Medium | [Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column](Problems/0947.cpp) | -| 0950 | Medium | [Reveal Cards In Increasing Order](Problems/0950.cpp) | -| 0953 | Easy | [Verifying an Alien Dictionary](Problems/0953.cpp) | -| 0956 | Medium | [Tallest Billboard](Problems/0956.cpp) | -| 0958 | Medium | [Check Completeness of a Binary Tree](Problems/0958.cpp) | -| 0959 | Medium | [Regions Cut By Slashes](Problems/0959.cpp) | -| 0965 | Easy | [Univalued Binary Tree](Problems/0965.cpp) | -| 0969 | Medium | [Pancake Sorting](Problems/0969.cpp) | -| 0973 | Medium | [K Closest Points to Origin](Problems/0973.cpp) | -| 0974 | Medium | [Subarray Sums Divisible by K](Problems/0974.cpp) | -| 0977 | Easy | [Squares of a Sorted Array](Problems/0977.cpp) | -| 0979 | Medium | [Distribute Coins in Binary Tree](Problems/0979.cpp) | -| 0980 | Hard | [Unique Paths III](Problems/0980.cpp) | -| 0983 | Medium | [Minimum Cost For Tickets](Problems/0983.cpp) | -| 0986 | Medium | [Interval List Intersections](Problems/0986.cpp) | -| 0989 | Easy | [Add to Array-Form of Integer](Problems/0989.cpp) | -| 0990 | Medium | [Satisfiability of Equality Equations](Problems/0990.cpp) | -| 0993 | Easy | [Cousins in Binary Tree](Problems/0993.cpp) | -| 0994 | Medium | [Rotting Oranges](Problems/0994.cpp) | -| 0997 | Easy | [Find the Town Judge](Problems/0997.cpp) | -| 1008 | Medium | [Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal](Problems/1008.cpp) | -| 1011 | Medium | [Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days](Problems/1011.cpp) | -| 1014 | Medium | [Best Sightseeing Pair](Problems/1014.cpp) | -| 1019 | Medium | [Next Greater Node In Linked List](Problems/1019.cpp) | -| 1020 | Medium | [Number of Enclaves](Problems/1020.cpp) | -| 1022 | Easy | [Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers](Problems/1022.cpp) | -| 1026 | Medium | [Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor](Problems/1026.cpp) | -| 1027 | Medium | [Longest Arithmetic Subsequence](Problems/1027.cpp) | -| 1035 | Medium | [Uncrossed Lines](Problems/1035.cpp) | -| 1038 | Medium | [Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree](Problems/1038.cpp) | -| 1042 | Medium | [Flower Planting With No Adjacent](Problems/1042.cpp) | -| 1043 | Medium | [Partition Array for Maximum Sum](Problems/1043.cpp) | -| 1046 | Easy | [Last Stone Weight](Problems/1046.cpp) | -| 1047 | Easy | [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String](Problems/1047.cpp) | -| 1051 | Easy | [Height Checker](Problems/1051.cpp) | -| 1061 | Medium | [Lexicographically Smallest Equivalent String](Problems/1061.cpp) | -| 1071 | Easy | [Greatest Common Divisor of Strings](Problems/1071.cpp) | -| 1079 | Medium | [Letter Tile Possibilities](Problems/1079.cpp) | -| 1089 | Easy | [Duplicate Zeros](Problems/1089.cpp) | -| 1091 | Medium | [Shortest Path in Binary Matrix](Problems/1091.cpp) | -| 1095 | Easy | [Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits](Problems/1095.cpp) | -| 1099 | Easy | [Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side](Problems/1099.cpp) | -| 1104 | Medium | [Path In Zigzag Labelled Binary Tree](Problems/1104.cpp) | -| 1110 | Medium | [Delete Nodes And Return Forest](Problems/1110.cpp) | -| 1111 | Medium | [Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses Strings](Problems/1111.cpp) | -| 1123 | Medium | [Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves](Problems/1123.cpp) | -| 1125 | Hard | [Smallest Sufficient Team](Problems/1125.cpp) | -| 1129 | Medium | [Shortest Path with Alternating Colors](Problems/1129.cpp) | -| 1137 | Easy | [N-th Tribonacci Number](Problems/1137.cpp) | -| 1140 | Medium | [Stone Game II](Problems/1140.cpp) | -| 1143 | Medium | [Longest Common Subsequence](Problems/1143.cpp) | -| 1146 | Medium | [Snapshot Array](Problems/1146.cpp) | -| 1161 | Medium | [Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree](Problems/1161.cpp) | -| 1162 | Medium | [As Far from Land as Possible](Problems/1162.cpp) | -| 1187 | Hard | [Make Array Strictly Increasing](Problems/1187.cpp) | -| 1202 | Medium | [Smallest String With Swaps](Problems/1202.cpp) | -| 1203 | Hard | [Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies](Problems/1203.cpp) | -| 1209 | Medium | [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II](Problems/1209.cpp) | -| 1218 | Medium | [Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference](Problems/1218.cpp) | -| 1222 | Medium | [Queens That Can Attack the King](Problems/1222.cpp) | -| 1232 | Easy | [Check If It Is a Straight Line](Problems/1232.cpp) | -| 1237 | Medium | [Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation](Problems/1237.cpp) | -| 1249 | Medium | [Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses](Problems/1249.cpp) | -| 1254 | Medium | [Number of Closed Islands](Problems/1254.cpp) | -| 1261 | Medium | [Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree](Problems/1261.cpp) | -| 1277 | Medium | [Count Square Submatrices with All Ones](Problems/1277.cpp) | -| 1282 | Medium | [Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To](Problems/1282.cpp) | -| 1286 | Medium | [Iterator for Combination](Problems/1286.cpp) | -| 1290 | Easy | [Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer](Problems/1290.cpp) | -| 1302 | Medium | [Deepest Leaves Sum](Problems/1302.cpp) | -| 1305 | Medium | [All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees](Problems/1305.cpp) | -| 1310 | Medium | [XOR Queries of a Subarray](Problems/1310.cpp) | -| 1311 | Medium | [Get Watched Videos by Your Friends](Problems/1311.cpp) | -| 1312 | Hard | [Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome](Problems/1312.cpp) | -| 1314 | Medium | [Matrix Block Sum](Problems/1314.cpp) | -| 1315 | Medium | [Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent](Problems/1315.cpp) | -| 1318 | Medium | [Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c](Problems/1318.cpp) | -| 1319 | Medium | [Number of Operations to Make Network Connected](Problems/1319.cpp) | -| 1323 | Easy | [Maximum 69 Number](Problems/1323.cpp) | -| 1325 | Medium | [Delete Leaves With a Given Value](Problems/1325.cpp) | -| 1326 | Hard | [Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden](Problems/1326.cpp) | -| 1329 | Medium | [Sort the Matrix Diagonally](Problems/1329.cpp) | -| 1334 | Medium | [Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance](Problems/1334.cpp) | -| 1337 | Easy | [The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix](Problems/1337.cpp) | -| 1338 | Medium | [Reduce Array Size to The Half](Problems/1338.cpp) | -| 1339 | Medium | [Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree](Problems/1339.cpp) | -| 1342 | Easy | [Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero](Problems/1342.cpp) | -| 1345 | Hard | [Jump Game IV](Problems/1345.cpp) | -| 1346 | Easy | [Check if N and Its Double Exist](Problems/1346.cpp) | -| 1347 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram](Problems/1347.cpp) | -| 1351 | Easy | [Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix](Problems/1351.cpp) | -| 1357 | Medium | [Apply Discount Every n Orders](Problems/1357.cpp) | -| 1361 | Medium | [Validate Binary Tree Nodes](Problems/1361.cpp) | -| 1367 | Medium | [Linked List in Binary Tree ](Problems/1367.cpp) | -| 1372 | Medium | [Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree](Problems/1372.cpp) | -| 1373 | Hard | [Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree](Problems/1373.cpp) | -| 1376 | Medium | [Time Needed to Inform All Employees](Problems/1376.cpp) | -| 1379 | Easy | [Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree](Problems/1379.cpp) | -| 1381 | Medium | [Design a Stack With Increment Operation](Problems/1381.cpp) | -| 1382 | Medium | [Balance a Binary Search Tree](Problems/1382.cpp) | -| 1387 | Medium | [Sort Integers by The Power Value](Problems/1387.cpp) | -| 1396 | Medium | [Design Underground System](Problems/1396.cpp) | -| 1402 | Hard | [Reducing Dishes](Problems/1402.cpp) | -| 1406 | Hard | [Stone Game III](Problems/1406.cpp) | -| 1409 | Medium | [Queries on a Permutation With Key](Problems/1409.cpp) | -| 1415 | Medium | [The k-th Lexicographical String of All Happy Strings of Length n](Problems/1415.cpp) | -| 1416 | Hard | [Restore The Array](Problems/1416.cpp) | -| 1418 | Medium | [Display Table of Food Orders in a Restaurant](Problems/1418.cpp) | -| 1425 | Hard | [Constrained Subsequence Sum](Problems/1425.cpp) | -| 1431 | Easy | [Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies](Problems/1431.cpp) | -| 1433 | Medium | [Check If a String Can Break Another String](Problems/1433.cpp) | -| 1436 | Easy | [Destination City](Problems/1436.cpp) | -| 1438 | Medium | [Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit](Problems/1438.cpp) | -| 1441 | Medium | [Build an Array With Stack Operations](Problems/1441.cpp) | -| 1442 | Medium | [Count Triplets That Can Form Two Arrays of Equal XOR](Problems/1442.cpp) | -| 1443 | Medium | [Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree](Problems/1443.cpp) | -| 1444 | Hard | [Number of Ways of Cutting a Pizza](Problems/1444.cpp) | -| 1448 | Medium | [Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree](Problems/1448.cpp) | -| 1456 | Medium | [Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length](Problems/1456.cpp) | -| 1462 | Medium | [Course Schedule IV](Problems/1462.cpp) | -| 1466 | Medium | [Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero](Problems/1466.cpp) | -| 1470 | Easy | [Shuffle the Array](Problems/1470.cpp) | -| 1472 | Medium | [Design Browser History ](Problems/1472.cpp) | -| 1476 | Medium | [Subrectangle Queries](Problems/1476.cpp) | -| 1480 | Easy | [Running Sum of 1d Array](Problems/1480.cpp) | -| 1489 | Hard | [Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree](Problems/1489.cpp) | -| 1491 | Easy | [Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary](Problems/1491.cpp) | -| 1493 | Medium | [Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element](Problems/1493.cpp) | -| 1498 | Medium | [Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum Condition](Problems/1498.cpp) | -| 1502 | Easy | [Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence](Problems/1502.cpp) | -| 1514 | Medium | [Path with Maximum Probability](Problems/1514.cpp) | -| 1519 | Medium | [Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same Label](Problems/1519.cpp) | -| 1523 | Easy | [Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range](Problems/1523.cpp) | -| 1529 | Medium | [Minimum Suffix Flips](Problems/1529.cpp) | -| 1539 | Easy | [Kth Missing Positive Number](Problems/1539.cpp) | -| 1544 | Easy | [Make The String Great](Problems/1544.cpp) | -| 1547 | Hard | [Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick](Problems/1547.cpp) | -| 1551 | Medium | [Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal](Problems/1551.cpp) | -| 1557 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes](Problems/1557.cpp) | -| 1561 | Medium | [Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get](Problems/1561.cpp) | -| 1567 | Medium | [Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product](Problems/1567.cpp) | -| 1569 | Hard | [Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BST](Problems/1569.cpp) | -| 1572 | Easy | [Matrix Diagonal Sum](Problems/1572.cpp) | -| 1575 | Medium | [Count All Possible Routes](Problems/1575.cpp) | -| 1579 | Hard | [Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable](Problems/1579.cpp) | -| 1584 | Medium | [Min Cost to Connect All Points](Problems/1584.cpp) | -| 1601 | Hard | [Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer Requests](Problems/1601.cpp) | -| 1603 | Easy | [Design Parking System](Problems/1603.cpp) | -| 1605 | Medium | [Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums](Problems/1605.cpp) | -| 1609 | Medium | [Even Odd Tree](Problems/1609.cpp) | -| 1615 | Medium | [Maximal Network Rank](Problems/1615.cpp) | -| 1626 | Medium | [Best Team With No Conflicts](Problems/1626.cpp) | -| 1630 | Medium | [Arithmetic Subarrays](Problems/1630.cpp) | -| 1637 | Medium | [Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points](Problems/1637.cpp) | -| 1638 | Medium | [Count Substrings That Differ by One Character](Problems/1638.cpp) | -| 1639 | Hard | [Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary](Problems/1639.cpp) | -| 1641 | Medium | [Count Sorted Vowel Strings](Problems/1641.cpp) | -| 1646 | Easy | [Get Maximum in Generated Array](Problems/1646.cpp) | -| 1669 | Medium | [Merge In Between Linked Lists](Problems/1669.cpp) | -| 1672 | Easy | [Richest Customer Wealth](Problems/1672.cpp) | -| 1675 | Hard | [Minimize Deviation in Array](Problems/1675.cpp) | -| 1689 | Medium | [Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers](Problems/1689.cpp) | -| 1696 | Medium | [Jump Game VI](Problems/1696.cpp) | -| 1697 | Hard | [Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths](Problems/1697.cpp) | -| 1700 | Easy | [Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch](Problems/1700.cpp) | -| 1704 | Easy | [Determine if String Halves Are Alike](Problems/1704.cpp) | -| 1706 | Medium | [Where Will the Ball Fall](Problems/1706.cpp) | -| 1721 | Medium | [Swapping Nodes in a Linked List](Problems/1721.cpp) | -| 1722 | Medium | [Minimize Hamming Distance After Swap Operations](Problems/1722.cpp) | -| 1732 | Easy | [Find the Highest Altitude](Problems/1732.cpp) | -| 1743 | Medium | [Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs](Problems/1743.cpp) | -| 1751 | Hard | [Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended II](Problems/1751.cpp) | -| 1768 | Easy | [Merge Strings Alternately](Problems/1768.cpp) | -| 1769 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box](Problems/1769.cpp) | -| 1786 | Medium | [Number of Restricted Paths From First to Last Node](Problems/1786.cpp) | -| 1791 | Easy | [Find Center of Star Graph](Problems/1791.cpp) | -| 1799 | Medium | [Maximize Score After N Operations](Problems/1799.cpp) | -| 1802 | Medium | [Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded Array](Problems/1802.cpp) | -| 1806 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Operations to Reinitialize a Permutation](Problems/1806.cpp) | -| 1817 | Medium | [Finding the Users Active Minutes](Problems/1817.cpp) | -| 1822 | Easy | [Sign of the Product of an Array](Problems/1822.cpp) | -| 1823 | Medium | [Find the Winner of the Circular Game](Problems/1823.cpp) | -| 1828 | Medium | [Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle](Problems/1828.cpp) | -| 1829 | Medium | [Maximum XOR for Each Query](Problems/1829.cpp) | -| 1833 | Medium | [Maximum Ice Cream Bars](Problems/1833.cpp) | -| 1834 | Medium | [Single-Threaded CPU](Problems/1834.cpp) | -| 1850 | Medium | [Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Reach the Kth Smallest Number](Problems/1850.cpp) | -| 1857 | Hard | [Largest Color Value in a Directed Graph](Problems/1857.cpp) | -| 1860 | Medium | [Incremental Memory Leak](Problems/1860.cpp) | -| 1870 | Medium | [Minimum Speed to Arrive on Time](Problems/1870.cpp) | -| 1877 | Medium | [Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in Array](Problems/1877.cpp) | -| 1884 | Medium | [Egg Drop With 2 Eggs and N Floors](Problems/1884.cpp) | -| 1910 | Medium | [Remove All Occurrences of a Substring](Problems/1910.cpp) | -| 1926 | Medium | [Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze](Problems/1926.cpp) | -| 1962 | Medium | [Remove Stones to Minimize the Total](Problems/1962.cpp) | -| 1963 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced](Problems/1963.cpp) | -| 1964 | Hard | [Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each Position](Problems/1964.cpp) | -| 1970 | Hard | [Last Day Where You Can Still Cross](Problems/1970.cpp) | -| 1971 | Easy | [Find if Path Exists in Graph](Problems/1971.cpp) | -| 1976 | Medium | [Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination](Problems/1976.cpp) | -| 1991 | Easy | [Find the Middle Index in Array](Problems/1991.cpp) | -| 2023 | Medium | [Number of Pairs of Strings With Concatenation Equal to Target](Problems/2023.cpp) | -| 2024 | Medium | [Maximize the Confusion of an Exam](Problems/2024.cpp) | -| 2039 | Medium | [The Time When the Network Becomes Idle](Problems/2039.cpp) | -| 2044 | Medium | [Count Number of Maximum Bitwise-OR Subsets](Problems/2044.cpp) | -| 2073 | Easy | [Time Needed to Buy Tickets](Problems/2073.cpp) | -| 2079 | Medium | [Watering Plants](Problems/2079.cpp) | -| 2085 | Easy | [Count Common Words With One Occurrence](Problems/2085.cpp) | -| 2090 | Medium | [K Radius Subarray Averages](Problems/2090.cpp) | -| 2095 | Medium | [Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List](Problems/2095.cpp) | -| 2101 | Medium | [Detonate the Maximum Bombs](Problems/2101.cpp) | -| 2115 | Medium | [Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies](Problems/2115.cpp) | -| 2120 | Medium | [Execution of All Suffix Instructions Staying in a Grid](Problems/2120.cpp) | -| 2125 | Medium | [Number of Laser Beams in a Bank](Problems/2125.cpp) | -| 2130 | Medium | [Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List](Problems/2130.cpp) | -| 2131 | Medium | [Longest Palindrome by Concatenating Two Letter Words](Problems/2131.cpp) | -| 2140 | Medium | [Solving Questions With Brainpower](Problems/2140.cpp) | -| 2141 | Hard | [Maximum Running Time of N Computers](Problems/2141.cpp) | -| 2149 | Medium | [Rearrange Array Elements by Sign](Problems/2149.cpp) | -| 2161 | Medium | [Partition Array According to Given Pivot](Problems/2161.cpp) | -| 2177 | Medium | [Find Three Consecutive Integers That Sum to a Given Number](Problems/2177.cpp) | -| 2181 | Medium | [Merge Nodes in Between Zeros](Problems/2181.cpp) | -| 2186 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram II](Problems/2186.cpp) | -| 2187 | Medium | [Minimum Time to Complete Trips](Problems/2187.cpp) | -| 2192 | Medium | [All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph](Problems/2192.cpp) | -| 2196 | Medium | [Create Binary Tree From Descriptions](Problems/2196.cpp) | -| 2215 | Easy | [Find the Difference of Two Arrays](Problems/2215.cpp) | -| 2218 | Hard | [Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles](Problems/2218.cpp) | -| 2221 | Medium | [Find Triangular Sum of an Array](Problems/2221.cpp) | -| 2225 | Medium | [Find Players With Zero or One Losses](Problems/2225.cpp) | -| 2235 | Easy | [Add Two Integers](Problems/2235.cpp) | -| 2236 | Easy | [Root Equals Sum of Children](Problems/2236.cpp) | -| 2243 | Easy | [Calculate Digit Sum of a String](Problems/2243.cpp) | -| 2244 | Medium | [Minimum Rounds to Complete All Tasks](Problems/2244.cpp) | -| 2246 | Hard | [Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters](Problems/2246.cpp) | -| 2265 | Medium | [Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree](Problems/2265.cpp) | -| 2272 | Hard | [Substring With Largest Variance](Problems/2272.cpp) | -| 2275 | Medium | [Largest Combination With Bitwise AND Greater Than Zero](Problems/2275.cpp) | -| 2279 | Medium | [Maximum Bags With Full Capacity of Rocks](Problems/2279.cpp) | -| 2285 | Medium | [Maximum Total Importance of Roads](Problems/2285.cpp) | -| 2294 | Medium | [Partition Array Such That Maximum Difference Is K](Problems/2294.cpp) | -| 2300 | Medium | [Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions](Problems/2300.cpp) | -| 2305 | Medium | [Fair Distribution of Cookies](Problems/2305.cpp) | -| 2306 | Hard | [Naming a Company](Problems/2306.cpp) | -| 2316 | Medium | [Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph](Problems/2316.cpp) | -| 2317 | Medium | [Maximum XOR After Operations](Problems/2317.cpp) | -| 2326 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix IV](Problems/2326.cpp) | -| 2328 | Hard | [Number of Increasing Paths in a Grid](Problems/2328.cpp) | -| 2331 | Easy | [Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree](Problems/2331.cpp) | -| 2336 | Medium | [Smallest Number in Infinite Set](Problems/2336.cpp) | -| 2343 | Medium | [Query Kth Smallest Trimmed Number](Problems/2343.cpp) | -| 2348 | Medium | [Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays](Problems/2348.cpp) | -| 2352 | Medium | [Equal Row and Column Pairs](Problems/2352.cpp) | -| 2359 | Medium | [Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes](Problems/2359.cpp) | -| 2360 | Hard | [Longest Cycle in a Graph](Problems/2360.cpp) | -| 2366 | Hard | [Minimum Replacements to Sort the Array](Problems/2366.cpp) | -| 2368 | Medium | [Reachable Nodes With Restrictions](Problems/2368.cpp) | -| 2369 | Medium | [Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array](Problems/2369.cpp) | -| 2374 | Medium | [Node With Highest Edge Score](Problems/2374.cpp) | -| 2375 | Medium | [Construct Smallest Number From DI String](Problems/2375.cpp) | -| 2390 | Medium | [Removing Stars From a String](Problems/2390.cpp) | -| 2391 | Medium | [Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage](Problems/2391.cpp) | -| 2396 | Medium | [Strictly Palindromic Number](Problems/2396.cpp) | -| 2405 | Medium | [Optimal Partition of String](Problems/2405.cpp) | -| 2415 | Medium | [Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree](Problems/2415.cpp) | -| 2421 | Medium | [Number of Good Paths](Problems/2421.cpp) | -| 2428 | Medium | [Maximum Sum of an Hourglass](Problems/2428.cpp) | -| 2433 | Medium | [Find The Original Array of Prefix Xor](Problems/2433.cpp) | -| 2439 | Medium | [Minimize Maximum of Array](Problems/2439.cpp) | -| 2442 | Medium | [Count Number of Distinct Integers After Reverse Operations](Problems/2442.cpp) | -| 2444 | Hard | [Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds](Problems/2444.cpp) | -| 2448 | Hard | [Minimum Cost to Make Array Equal](Problems/2448.cpp) | -| 2461 | Medium | [Maximum Sum of Distinct Subarrays With Length K](Problems/2461.cpp) | -| 2462 | Medium | [Total Cost to Hire K Workers](Problems/2462.cpp) | -| 2465 | Easy | [Number of Distinct Averages](Problems/2465.cpp) | -| 2466 | Medium | [Count Ways To Build Good Strings](Problems/2466.cpp) | -| 2467 | Medium | [Most Profitable Path in a Tree](Problems/2467.cpp) | -| 2477 | Medium | [Minimum Fuel Cost to Report to the Capital](Problems/2477.cpp) | -| 2482 | Medium | [Difference Between Ones and Zeros in Row and Column](Problems/2482.cpp) | -| 2483 | Medium | [Minimum Penalty for a Shop](Problems/2483.cpp) | -| 2492 | Medium | [Minimum Score of a Path Between Two Cities](Problems/2492.cpp) | -| 2497 | Medium | [Maximum Star Sum of a Graph](Problems/2497.cpp) | -| 2527 | Medium | [Find Xor-Beauty of Array](Problems/2527.cpp) | -| 2542 | Medium | [Maximum Subsequence Score](Problems/2542.cpp) | -| 2545 | Medium | [Sort the Students by Their Kth Score](Problems/2545.cpp) | -| 2551 | Hard | [Put Marbles in Bags](Problems/2551.cpp) | -| 2610 | Medium | [Convert an Array Into a 2D Array With Conditions](Problems/2610.cpp) | -| 2616 | Medium | [Minimize the Maximum Difference of Pairs](Problems/2616.cpp) | -| 2620 | Easy | [Counter](Problems/2620.js) | -| 2621 | Easy | [Sleep](Problems/2621.js) | -| 2622 | Medium | [Cache With Time Limit](Problems/2622.js) | -| 2623 | Medium | [Memoize](Problems/2623.js) | -| 2626 | Easy | [Array Reduce Transformation](Problems/2626.js) | -| 2627 | Medium | [Debounce](Problems/2627.js) | -| 2629 | Easy | [Function Composition](Problems/2629.js) | -| 2632 | Medium | [Curry](Problems/2632.js) | -| 2634 | Easy | [Filter Elements from Array](Problems/2634.js) | -| 2635 | Easy | [Apply Transform Over Each Element in Array](Problems/2635.js) | -| 2636 | Medium | [Promise Pool ](Problems/2636.js) | -| 2637 | Easy | [Promise Time Limit](Problems/2637.js) | -| 2640 | Medium | [Find the Score of All Prefixes of an Array](Problems/2640.cpp) | -| 2657 | Medium | [Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays](Problems/2657.cpp) | -| 2665 | Easy | [Counter II](Problems/2665.js) | -| 2666 | Easy | [Allow One Function Call](Problems/2666.js) | -| 2667 | Easy | [Create Hello World Function](Problems/2667.js) | -| 2676 | Medium | [Throttle](Problems/2676.js) | -| 2707 | Medium | [Extra Characters in a String](Problems/2707.cpp) | -| 2711 | Medium | [Difference of Number of Distinct Values on Diagonals](Problems/2711.cpp) | -| 2785 | Medium | [Sort Vowels in a String](Problems/2785.cpp) | -| 2807 | Medium | [Insert Greatest Common Divisors in Linked List](Problems/2807.cpp) | +| Number | Difficulty | Solution | +|:------:|:----------:|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +| 0001 | Easy | [Two Sum](Problems/0001.cpp) | +| 0002 | Medium | [Add Two Numbers](Problems/0002.cpp) | +| 0003 | Medium | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](Problems/0003.cpp) | +| 0005 | Medium | [Longest Palindromic Substring](Problems/0005.cpp) | +| 0006 | Medium | [Zigzag Conversion](Problems/0006.cpp) | +| 0007 | Medium | [Reverse Integer](Problems/0007.cpp) | +| 0008 | Medium | [String to Integer (atoi)](Problems/0008.cpp) | +| 0009 | Easy | [Palindrome Number](Problems/0009.cpp) | +| 0011 | Medium | [Container With Most Water](Problems/0011.cpp) | +| 0012 | Medium | [Integer to Roman](Problems/0012.cpp) | +| 0013 | Easy | [Roman to Integer](Problems/0013.cpp) | +| 0014 | Easy | [Longest Common Prefix](Problems/0014.cpp) | +| 0015 | Medium | [3Sum](Problems/0015.cpp) | +| 0016 | Medium | [3Sum Closest](Problems/0016.cpp) | +| 0017 | Medium | [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](Problems/0017.cpp) | +| 0018 | Medium | [4Sum](Problems/0018.cpp) | +| 0019 | Medium | [Remove Nth Node From the End of List](Problems/0019.cpp) | +| 0020 | Easy | [Valid Parentheses](Problems/0020.cpp) | +| 0021 | Easy | [Merge Two Sorted Lists](Problems/0021.cpp) | +| 0022 | Medium | [Generate Parentheses](Problems/0022.cpp) | +| 0023 | Hard | [Merge k Sorted Lists](Problems/0023.cpp) | +| 0024 | Medium | [Swap Nodes in Pairs](Problems/0024.cpp) | +| 0025 | Hard | [Reverse Nodes in k-Group](Problems/0025.cpp) | +| 0026 | Easy | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](Problems/0026.cpp) | +| 0027 | Easy | [Remove Element](Problems/0027.cpp) | +| 0028 | Medium | [Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String](Problems/0028.cpp) | +| 0029 | Medium | [Divide Two Integers](Problems/0029.cpp) | +| 0031 | Medium | [Next Permutation](Problems/0031.cpp) | +| 0033 | Medium | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array](Problems/0033.cpp) | +| 0034 | Medium | [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array](Problems/0034.cpp) | +| 0035 | Easy | [Search Insert Position](Problems/0035.cpp) | +| 0036 | Medium | [Valid Sudoku](Problems/0036.cpp) | +| 0037 | Hard | [Sudoku Solver](Problems/0037.cpp) | +| 0038 | Medium | [Count and Say](Problems/0038.cpp) | +| 0039 | Medium | [Combination Sum](Problems/0039.cpp) | +| 0040 | Medium | [Combination Sum II](Problems/0040.cpp) | +| 0042 | Medium | [Trapping Rain Water](Problems/0011.cpp) | +| 0043 | Medium | [Multiply Strings](Problems/0043.cpp) | +| 0044 | Hard | [Wildcard Matching](Problems/0044.cpp) | +| 0045 | Medium | [Jump Game II](Problems/0045.cpp) | +| 0046 | Medium | [Permutations](Problems/0046.cpp) | +| 0047 | Medium | [Permutations II ](Problems/0047.cpp) | +| 0048 | Medium | [Rotate Image](Problems/0048.cpp) | +| 0049 | Medium | [Group Anagrams](Problems/0049.cpp) | +| 0050 | Medium | [Pow(x, n)](Problems/0050.cpp) | +| 0051 | Hard | [N-Queens](Problems/0051.cpp) | +| 0052 | Hard | [N-Queens II](Problems/0052.cpp) | +| 0053 | Medium | [Maximum Subarray](Problems/0053.cpp) | +| 0054 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix](Problems/0054.cpp) | +| 0055 | Medium | [Jump Game](Problems/0055.cpp) | +| 0056 | Medium | [Merge Intervals](Problems/0056.cpp) | +| 0057 | Medium | [Insert Interval](Problems/0057.cpp) | +| 0058 | Easy | [Length of Last Word](Problems/0058.cpp) | +| 0059 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix II](Problems/0059.cpp) | +| 0060 | Hard | [Permutation Sequence](Problems/0060.cpp) | +| 0061 | Medium | [Rotate List](Problems/0061.cpp) | +| 0062 | Medium | [Unique Paths](Problems/0062.cpp) | +| 0063 | Medium | [Unique Paths II](Problems/0063.cpp) | +| 0064 | Medium | [Minimum Path Sum](Problems/0064.cpp) | +| 0066 | Easy | [Plus One](Problems/0066.cpp) | +| 0067 | Easy | [Add Binary](Problems/0067.cpp) | +| 0068 | Hard | [Text Justification](Problems/0068.cpp) | +| 0069 | Easy | [Sqrt(x)](Problems/0069.cpp) | +| 0070 | Easy | [Climbing Stairs](Problems/0070.cpp) | +| 0071 | Medium | [Simplify Path](Problems/0071.cpp) | +| 0072 | Hard | [Edit Distance](Problems/0072.cpp) | +| 0073 | Medium | [Set Matrix Zeroes](Problems/0073.cpp) | +| 0074 | Medium | [Search a 2D Matrix](Problems/0074.cpp) | +| 0075 | Medium | [Sort Colors](Problems/0075.cpp) | +| 0076 | Hard | [Minimum Window Substring](Problems/0076.cpp) | +| 0077 | Medium | [Combinations](Problems/0077.cpp) | +| 0078 | Medium | [Subsets](Problems/0078.cpp) | +| 0079 | Medium | [Word Search](Problems/0079.cpp) | +| 0080 | Medium | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II](Problems/0080.cpp) | +| 0081 | Medium | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array II](Problems/0081.cpp) | +| 0082 | Medium | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II](Problems/0082.cpp) | +| 0083 | Easy | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List](Problems/0083.cpp) | +| 0084 | Hard | [Largest Rectangle in Histogram](Problems/0084.cpp) | +| 0086 | Medium | [Partition List](Problems/0086.cpp) | +| 0087 | Hard | [Scramble String](Problems/0087.cpp) | +| 0088 | Easy | [Merge Sorted Array](Problems/0088.cpp) | +| 0090 | Medium | [Subsets II](Problems/0090.cpp) | +| 0091 | Medium | [Decode Ways](Problems/0091.cpp) | +| 0092 | Medium | [Reverse Linked List II](Problems/0092.cpp) | +| 0093 | Medium | [Restore IP Addresses](Problems/0093.cpp) | +| 0094 | Easy | [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal](Problems/0094.cpp) | +| 0095 | Medium | [Unique Binary Search Trees II](Problems/0095.cpp) | +| 0096 | Medium | [Unique Binary Search Trees](Problems/0096.cpp) | +| 0097 | Medium | [Interleaving String](Problems/0097.cpp) | +| 0098 | Medium | [Validate Binary Search Tree](Problems/0098.cpp) | +| 0099 | Medium | [Recover Binary Search Tree](Problems/0099.cpp) | +| 0100 | Easy | [Same Tree](Problems/0100.cpp) | +| 0101 | Easy | [Symmetric Tree](Problems/0101.cpp) | +| 0102 | Medium | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](Problems/0102.cpp) | +| 0103 | Medium | [Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal](Problems/0103.cpp) | +| 0104 | Easy | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](Problems/0104.cpp) | +| 0105 | Medium | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal](Problems/0105.cpp) | +| 0106 | Medium | [Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal](Problems/0106.cpp) | +| 0107 | Medium | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II](Problems/0107.cpp) | +| 0108 | Easy | [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree](Problems/0108.cpp) | +| 0109 | Medium | [Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree](Problems/0109.cpp) | +| 0110 | Easy | [Balanced Binary Tree](Problems/0110.cpp) | +| 0111 | Easy | [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](Problems/0111.cpp) | +| 0112 | Easy | [Path Sum](Problems/0112.cpp) | +| 0113 | Medium | [Path Sum II](Problems/0113.cpp) | +| 0114 | Medium | [Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](Problems/0114.cpp) | +| 0116 | Medium | [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node](Problems/0116.cpp) | +| 0117 | Medium | [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II](Problems/0117.cpp) | +| 0118 | Easy | [Pascal's Triangle](Problems/0118.cpp) | +| 0119 | Easy | [Pascal's Triangle II](Problems/0119.cpp) | +| 0120 | Medium | [Triangle](Problems/0120.cpp) | +| 0121 | Easy | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](Problems/0121.cpp) | +| 0122 | Medium | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](Problems/0122.cpp) | +| 0124 | Hard | [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](Problems/0124.cpp) | +| 0125 | Easy | [Valid Palindrome](Problems/0125.cpp) | +| 0128 | Medium | [Longest Consecutive Sequence](Problems/0128.cpp) | +| 0129 | Medium | [Sum Root to Leaf Numbers](Problems/0129.cpp) | +| 0130 | Medium | [Surrounded Regions](Problems/0130.cpp) | +| 0131 | Medium | [Palindrome Partitioning](Problems/0131.cpp) | +| 0133 | Medium | [Clone Graph](Problems/0133.cpp) | +| 0134 | Medium | [Gas Station](Problems/0134.cpp) | +| 0135 | Hard | [Candy](Problems/0135.cpp) | +| 0136 | Easy | [Single Number](Problems/0136.cpp) | +| 0137 | Medium | [Single Number II](Problems/0137.cpp) | +| 0138 | Medium | [Copy List with Random Pointer](Problems/0138.cpp) | +| 0139 | Medium | [Word Break](Problems/0139.cpp) | +| 0141 | Easy | [Linked List Cycle](Problems/0141.cpp) | +| 0142 | Medium | [Linked List Cycle II](Problems/0142.cpp) | +| 0143 | Medium | [Reorder List](Problems/0143.cpp) | +| 0144 | Medium | [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal](Problems/0144.cpp) | +| 0145 | Easy | [Binary Tree Postorder Traversal](Problems/0145.cpp) | +| 0146 | Medium | [LRU Cache](Problems/0146.cpp) | +| 0148 | Medium | [Sort List](Problems/0148.cpp) | +| 0149 | Hard | [Max Points on a Line](Problems/0149.cpp) | +| 0150 | Medium | [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation](Problems/0150.cpp) | +| 0151 | Medium | [Reverse Words in a String](Problems/0151.cpp) | +| 0152 | Medium | [Maximum Product Subarray](Problems/0152.cpp) | +| 0153 | Medium | [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](Problems/0153.cpp) | +| 0155 | Medium | [Min Stack](Problems/0155.cpp) | +| 0160 | Easy | [Intersection of Two Linked Lists](Problems/0160.cpp) | +| 0162 | Medium | [Find Peak Element](Problems/0162.cpp) | +| 0164 | Hard | [Maximum Gap](Problems/0164.cpp) | +| 0165 | Medium | [Compare Version Numbers](Problems/0165.cpp) | +| 0167 | Medium | [Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted](Problems/0167.cpp) | +| 0168 | Easy | [Excel Sheet Column Title](Problems/0168.cpp) | +| 0169 | Easy | [Majority Element](Problems/0169.cpp) | +| 0171 | Easy | [Excel Sheet Column Number](Problems/0171.cpp) | +| 0173 | Medium | [Binary Search Tree Iterator](Problems/0173.cpp) | +| 0179 | Medium | [Largest Number](Problems/0179.cpp) | +| 0187 | Medium | [Repeated DNA Sequences](Problems/0187.cpp) | +| 0189 | Medium | [Rotate Array](Problems/0189.cpp) | +| 0190 | Easy | [Reverse Bits](Problems/0190.cpp) | +| 0191 | Easy | [Number of 1 Bits](Problems/0191.cpp) | +| 0192 | Medium | [Word Frequency](Problems/0192.sh) | +| 0193 | Easy | [Valid Phone Numbers](Problems/0193.sh) | +| 0194 | Medium | [Transpose File](Problems/0194.sh) | +| 0195 | Easy | [Tenth Line](Problems/0195.sh) | +| 0198 | Medium | [House Robber](Problems/0198.cpp) | +| 0199 | Medium | [Binary Tree Right Side View](Problems/0199.cpp) | +| 0200 | Medium | [Number of Islands](Problems/0200.cpp) | +| 0201 | Medium | [Bitwise AND of Numbers Range](Problems/0201.cpp) | +| 0202 | Easy | [Happy Number](Problems/0202.cpp) | +| 0203 | Easy | [Remove Linked List Elements](Problems/0203.cpp) | +| 0204 | Medium | [Count Primes](Problems/0204.cpp) | +| 0205 | Easy | [Isomorphic Strings](Problems/0205.cpp) | +| 0206 | Easy | [Reverse Linked List](Problems/0206.cpp) | +| 0207 | Medium | [Course Schedule](Problems/0207.cpp) | +| 0208 | Medium | [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)](Problems/0208.cpp) | +| 0209 | Medium | [Minimum Size Subarray Sum](Problems/0209.cpp) | +| 0210 | Medium | [Course Schedule II](Problems/0210.cpp) | +| 0211 | Medium | [Design Add and Search Words Data Structure](Problems/0211.cpp) | +| 0213 | Medium | [House Robber II](Problems/0213.cpp) | +| 0215 | Medium | [Kth Largest Element in an Array](Problems/0215.cpp) | +| 0216 | Medium | [Combination Sum III](Problems/0216.cpp) | +| 0217 | Easy | [Contains Duplicate](Problems/0217.cpp) | +| 0219 | Easy | [Contains Duplicate II](Problems/0219.cpp) | +| 0221 | Medium | [Maximal Square](Problems/0221.cpp) | +| 0222 | Medium | [Count Complete Tree Nodes](Problems/0222.cpp) | +| 0223 | Medium | [Rectangle Area](Problems/0223.cpp) | +| 0225 | Easy | [Implement Stack using Queues](Problems/0225.cpp) | +| 0226 | Easy | [Invert Binary Tree](Problems/0226.cpp) | +| 0227 | Medium | [Basic Calculator II](Problems/0227.cpp) | +| 0228 | Easy | [Summary Ranges](Problems/0228.cpp) | +| 0231 | Easy | [Power of Two](Problems/0231.cpp) | +| 0232 | Easy | [Implement Queue using Stacks](Problems/0232.cpp) | +| 0234 | Easy | [Palindrome Linked List](Problems/0234.cpp) | +| 0235 | Medium | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree](Problems/0235.cpp) | +| 0236 | Medium | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree](Problems/0236.cpp) | +| 0237 | Medium | [Delete Node in a Linked List](Problems/0237.cpp) | +| 0238 | Medium | [Product of Array Except Self](Problems/0238.cpp) | +| 0239 | Hard | [Sliding Window Maximum](Problems/0239.cpp) | +| 0240 | Medium | [Search a 2D Matrix II](Problems/0240.cpp) | +| 0241 | Medium | [Different Ways to Add Parentheses](Problems/0241.cpp) | +| 0242 | Easy | [Valid Anagram](Problems/0242.cpp) | +| 0257 | Easy | [Binary Tree Paths](Problems/0257.cpp) | +| 0258 | Easy | [Add Digits](Problems/0258.cpp) | +| 0263 | Easy | [Ugly Number](Problems/0263.cpp) | +| 0264 | Medium | [Ugly Number II](Problems/0264.cpp) | +| 0268 | Easy | [Missing Number](Problems/0268.cpp) | +| 0274 | Medium | [H-Index](Problems/0274.cpp) | +| 0278 | Easy | [First Bad Version](Problems/0278.cpp) | +| 0279 | Medium | [Perfect Squares](Problems/0279.cpp) | +| 0283 | Easy | [Move Zeroes](Problems/0283.cpp) | +| 0287 | Medium | [Find the Duplicate Number](Problems/0287.cpp) | +| 0289 | Medium | [Game of Life](Problems/0289.cpp) | +| 0290 | Easy | [Word Pattern](Problems/0290.cpp) | +| 0292 | Easy | [Nim Game](Problems/0292.cpp) | +| 0295 | Hard | [Find Median from Data Stream](Problems/0295.cpp) | +| 0297 | Hard | [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree](Problems/0297.cpp) | +| 0299 | Medium | [Bulls and Cows](Problems/0299.cpp) | +| 0300 | Medium | [Longest Increasing Subsequence](Problems/0300.cpp) | +| 0304 | Medium | [Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable](Problems/0304.cpp) | +| 0306 | Medium | [Additive Number](Problems/0306.cpp) | +| 0309 | Medium | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown](Problems/0309.cpp) | +| 0310 | Medium | [Minimum Height Trees](Problems/0310.cpp) | +| 0319 | Medium | [Bulb Switcher](Problems/0319.cpp) | +| 0322 | Medium | [Coin Change](Problems/0322.cpp) | +| 0326 | Easy | [Power of Three](Problems/0326.cpp) | +| 0328 | Medium | [Odd Even Linked List](Problems/0328.cpp) | +| 0334 | Medium | [Increasing Triplet Subsequence](Problems/0334.cpp) | +| 0338 | Easy | [Counting Bits](Problems/0338.cpp) | +| 0342 | Easy | [Power of Four](Problems/0342.cpp) | +| 0343 | Medium | [Integer Break](Problems/0343.cpp) | +| 0344 | Easy | [Reverse String](Problems/0344.cpp) | +| 0345 | Easy | [Reverse Vowels of a String](Problems/0345.cpp) | +| 0347 | Medium | [Top K Frequent Elements](Problems/0347.cpp) | +| 0350 | Easy | [Intersection of Two Arrays II](Problems/0350.cpp) | +| 0352 | Hard | [Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals](Problems/0352.cpp) | +| 0367 | Easy | [Valid Perfect Square](Problems/0367.cpp) | +| 0371 | Medium | [Sum of Two Integers](Problems/0371.cpp) | +| 0373 | Medium | [Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums](Problems/0373.cpp) | +| 0374 | Easy | [Guess Number Higher or Lower](Problems/0374.cpp) | +| 0376 | Medium | [Wiggle Subsequence](Problems/0376.cpp) | +| 0377 | Medium | [Combination Sum IV](Problems/0377.cpp) | +| 0382 | Medium | [Linked List Random Node](Problems/0382.cpp) | +| 0383 | Easy | [Ransom Note](Problems/0383.cpp) | +| 0384 | Medium | [Shuffle an Array](Problems/0384.cpp) | +| 0387 | Easy | [First Unique Character in a String](Problems/0387.cpp) | +| 0392 | Easy | [Is Subsequence](Problems/0392.cpp) | +| 0394 | Medium | [Decode String](Problems/0394.cpp) | +| 0399 | Medium | [Evaluate Division](Problems/0399.cpp) | +| 0402 | Medium | [Remove K Digits](Problems/0402.cpp) | +| 0403 | Hard | [Frog Jump](Problems/0403.cpp) | +| 0404 | Easy | [Sum of Left Leaves](Problems/0404.cpp) | +| 0406 | Medium | [Queue Reconstruction by Height](Problems/0406.cpp) | +| 0409 | Easy | [Longest Palindrome](Problems/0409.cpp) | +| 0412 | Easy | [Fizz Buzz](Problems/0412.cpp) | +| 0413 | Medium | [Arithmetic Slices](Problems/0413.cpp) | +| 0414 | Easy | [Third Maximum Number](Problems/0414.cpp) | +| 0415 | Easy | [Add Strings](Problems/0415.cpp) | +| 0416 | Medium | [Partition Equal Subset Sum](Problems/0416.cpp) | +| 0417 | Medium | [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow](Problems/0417.cpp) | +| 0419 | Medium | [Battleships in a Board](Problems/0419.cpp) | +| 0424 | Medium | [Longest Repeating Character Replacement](Problems/0424.cpp) | +| 0427 | Medium | [Construct Quad Tree](Problems/0427.cpp) | +| 0429 | Medium | [N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal](Problems/0429.cpp) | +| 0430 | Medium | [Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked list](Problems/0430.cpp) | +| 0433 | Medium | [Minimum Genetic Mutation](Problems/0433.cpp) | +| 0435 | Medium | [Non-overlapping Intervals](Problems/0435.cpp) | +| 0437 | Medium | [Path Sum III](Problems/0437.cpp) | +| 0438 | Medium | [Find All Anagrams in a String](Problems/0438.cpp) | +| 0442 | Medium | [Find All Duplicates in an Array](Problems/0442.cpp) | +| 0443 | Medium | [String Compression](Problems/0443.cpp) | +| 0445 | Medium | [Add Two Numbers II](Problems/0445.cpp) | +| 0448 | Easy | [Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array](Problems/0448.cpp) | +| 0450 | Medium | [Delete Node in a BST](Problems/0450.cpp) | +| 0451 | Medium | [Sort Characters By Frequency](Problems/0451.cpp) | +| 0452 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons](Problems/0452.cpp) | +| 0459 | Easy | [Repeated Substring Pattern](Problems/0459.cpp) | +| 0460 | Hard | [LFU Cache](Problems/0460.cpp) | +| 0472 | Hard | [Concatenated Words](Problems/0472.cpp) | +| 0485 | Easy | [Max Consecutive Ones](Problems/0485.cpp) | +| 0486 | Medium | [Reachable Nodes With Restrictions](Problems/0486.cpp) | +| 0491 | Medium | [Non-decreasing Subsequences](Problems/0491.cpp) | +| 0494 | Medium | [Target Sum](Problems/0494.cpp) | +| 0496 | Medium | [Next Greater Element I](Problems/0496.cpp) | +| 0498 | Medium | [Diagonal Traverse](Problems/0498.cpp) | +| 0501 | Easy | [Find Mode in Binary Search Tree](Problems/0501.cpp) | +| 0502 | Hard | [IPO](Problems/0502.cpp) | +| 0503 | Medium | [Next Greater Element II](Problems/0503.cpp) | +| 0509 | Easy | [Fibonacci Number](Problems/0509.cpp) | +| 0516 | Medium | [Longest Palindromic Subsequence](Problems/0516.cpp) | +| 0518 | Medium | [Coin Change II](Problems/0518.cpp) | +| 0520 | Easy | [Detect Capital](Problems/0520.cpp) | +| 0530 | Easy | [Minimum Absolute Difference in BST](Problems/0530.cpp) | +| 0535 | Medium | [Encode and Decode TinyURL](Problems/0532.cpp) | +| 0535 | Medium | [K-diff Pairs in an Array](Problems/0532.cpp) | +| 0537 | Medium | [Complex Number Multiplication](Problems/0537.cpp) | +| 0538 | Medium | [Convert BST to Greater Tree](Problems/0538.cpp) | +| 0540 | Medium | [Single Element in a Sorted Array](Problems/0540.cpp) | +| 0542 | Medium | [01 Matrix](Problems/0542.cpp) | +| 0543 | Easy | [Diameter of Binary Tree](Problems/0543.cpp) | +| 0547 | Medium | [Number of Provinces](Problems/0547.cpp) | +| 0556 | Medium | [Next Greater Element III](Problems/0556.cpp) | +| 0557 | Easy | [Reverse Words in a String III](Problems/0557.cpp) | +| 0559 | Easy | [Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree](Problems/0559.cpp) | +| 0560 | Medium | [Subarray Sum Equals K](Problems/0560.cpp) | +| 0561 | Easy | [Array Partition](Problems/0561.cpp) | +| 0563 | Easy | [Binary Tree Tilt](Problems/0563.cpp) | +| 0566 | Easy | [Reshape the Matrix](Problems/0566.cpp) | +| 0567 | Medium | [Permutation in String](Problems/0567.cpp) | +| 0572 | Easy | [Subtree of Another Tree](Problems/0572.cpp) | +| 0583 | Medium | [Delete Operation for Two Strings](Problems/0583.cpp) | +| 0589 | Easy | [N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal](Problems/0589.cpp) | +| 0590 | Easy | [N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal](Problems/0590.cpp) | +| 0605 | Easy | [Can Place Flowers](Problems/0605.cpp) | +| 0606 | Easy | [Construct String from Binary Tree ](Problems/0606.cpp) | +| 0617 | Easy | [Merge Two Binary Trees](Problems/0617.cpp) | +| 0621 | Medium | [Task Scheduler](Problems/0621.cpp) | +| 0637 | Easy | [Average of Levels in Binary Tree](Problems/0637.cpp) | +| 0646 | Medium | [Maximum Length of Pair Chain](Problems/0646.cpp) | +| 0649 | Medium | [Dota2 Senate](Problems/0649.cpp) | +| 0652 | Medium | [Find Duplicate Subtrees](Problems/0652.cpp) | +| 0653 | Easy | [Two Sum IV - Input is a BST](Problems/0653.cpp) | +| 0654 | Medium | [Maximum Binary Tree](Problems/0654.cpp) | +| 0662 | Medium | [Maximum Width of Binary Tree](Problems/0662.cpp) | +| 0664 | Hard | [Strange Printer](Problems/0664.cpp) | +| 0669 | Medium | [Trim a Binary Search Tree](Problems/0669.cpp) | +| 0671 | Easy | [Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree](Problems/0671.cpp) | +| 0673 | Medium | [Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence](Problems/0673.cpp) | +| 0684 | Medium | [Redundant Connection](Problems/0684.cpp) | +| 0688 | Medium | [Knight Probability in Chessboard](Problems/0688.cpp) | +| 0692 | Medium | [Top K Frequent Words](Problems/0692.cpp) | +| 0695 | Medium | [Max Area of Island](Problems/0695.cpp) | +| 0700 | Easy | [Search in a Binary Search Tree](Problems/0700.cpp) | +| 0701 | Medium | [Insert into a Binary Search Tree](Problems/0701.cpp) | +| 0703 | Easy | [Kth Largest Element in a Stream](Problems/0703.cpp) | +| 0704 | Easy | [Binary Search](Problems/0704.cpp) | +| 0705 | Easy | [Design HashSet](Problems/0705.cpp) | +| 0706 | Easy | [Design HashMap](Problems/0706.cpp) | +| 0707 | Medium | [Design Linked List](Problems/0707.cpp) | +| 0712 | Medium | [Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings](Problems/0712.cpp) | +| 0713 | Medium | [Subarray Product Less Than K](Problems/0713.cpp) | +| 0714 | Medium | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee](Problems/0714.cpp) | +| 0724 | Easy | [Find Pivot Index](Problems/0724.cpp) | +| 0733 | Easy | [Flood Fill](Problems/0733.cpp) | +| 0735 | Medium | [Asteroid Collision](Problems/0735.cpp) | +| 0739 | Medium | [Daily Temperatures](Problems/0739.cpp) | +| 0740 | Medium | [Delete and Earn](Problems/0740.cpp) | +| 0743 | Medium | [Network Delay Time](Problems/0743.cpp) | +| 0744 | Easy | [Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target](Problems/0744.cpp) | +| 0746 | Easy | [Min Cost Climbing Stairs](Problems/0746.cpp) | +| 0747 | Easy | [Largest Number At Least Twice of Others](Problems/0747.cpp) | +| 0752 | Medium | [Open the Lock](Problems/0752.cpp) | +| 0763 | Medium | [Partition Labels](Problems/0763.cpp) | +| 0767 | Medium | [Reorganize String](Problems/0767.cpp) | +| 0783 | Easy | [Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes](Problems/0783.cpp) | +| 0784 | Medium | [Letter Case Permutation](Problems/0784.cpp) | +| 0785 | Medium | [Is Graph Bipartite?](Problems/0785.cpp) | +| 0787 | Medium | [Cheapest Flights Within K Stops](Problems/0787.cpp) | +| 0791 | Medium | [Custom Sort String](Problems/0791.cpp) | +| 0797 | Medium | [All Paths From Source to Target](Problems/0797.cpp) | +| 0802 | Medium | [Find Eventual Safe States](Problems/0802.cpp) | +| 0807 | Medium | [Max Increase to Keep City Skyline](Problems/0807.cpp) | +| 0808 | Medium | [Soup Servings](Problems/0808.cpp) | +| 0811 | Medium | [Subdomain Visit Count](Problems/0811.cpp) | +| 0814 | Medium | [Binary Tree Pruning](Problems/0814.cpp) | +| 0815 | Hard | [Bus Routes](Problems/0815.cpp) | +| 0830 | Medium | [Kth Smallest Element in a BST](Problems/0230.cpp) | +| 0837 | Medium | [New 21 Game](Problems/0837.cpp) | +| 0839 | Hard | [Similar String Groups](Problems/0839.cpp) | +| 0841 | Medium | [Keys and Rooms](Problems/0841.cpp) | +| 0844 | Easy | [Backspace String Compare](Problems/0844.cpp) | +| 0851 | Medium | [Loud and Rich](Problems/0851.cpp) | +| 0852 | Medium | [Peak Index in a Mountain Array](Problems/0852.cpp) | +| 0853 | Medium | [Car Fleet](Problems/0853.cpp) | +| 0859 | Easy | [Buddy Strings](Problems/0859.cpp) | +| 0861 | Medium | [Score After Flipping Matrix](Problems/0861.cpp) | +| 0863 | Medium | [All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree](Problems/0863.cpp) | +| 0864 | Hard | [Shortest Path to Get All Keys](Problems/0864.cpp) | +| 0865 | Medium | [Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes](Problems/0865.cpp) | +| 0872 | Easy | [Leaf-Similar Trees](Problems/0872.cpp) | +| 0875 | Medium | [Koko Eating Bananas](Problems/0875.cpp) | +| 0876 | Easy | [Middle of the Linked List](Problems/0876.cpp) | +| 0877 | Medium | [Stone Game](Problems/0877.cpp) | +| 0879 | Hard | [Profitable Schemes](Problems/0879.cpp) | +| 0881 | Medium | [Boats to Save People](Problems/0881.cpp) | +| 0884 | Easy | [Uncommon Words from Two Sentences](Problems/0884.cpp) | +| 0885 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix III](Problems/0885.cpp) | +| 0886 | Medium | [Possible Bipartition](Problems/0886.cpp) | +| 0889 | Medium | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal](Problems/0889.cpp) | +| 0890 | Medium | [Find and Replace Pattern](Problems/0890.cpp) | +| 0893 | Medium | [Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings](Problems/0893.cpp) | +| 0894 | Medium | [All Possible Full Binary Trees](Problems/0894.cpp) | +| 0897 | Easy | [Increasing Order Search Tree](Problems/0897.cpp) | +| 0901 | Medium | [Online Stock Span](Problems/0901.cpp) | +| 0904 | Medium | [Fruit Into Baskets](Problems/0904.cpp) | +| 0905 | Easy | [Sort Array By Parity](Problems/0905.cpp) | +| 0909 | Medium | [Snakes and Ladders](Problems/0909.cpp) | +| 0912 | Medium | [Sort an Array](Problems/0912.cpp) | +| 0915 | Medium | [Partition Array into Disjoint Intervals](Problems/0915.cpp) | +| 0918 | Medium | [Maximum Sum Circular Subarray](Problems/0918.cpp) | +| 0920 | Hard | [Number of Music Playlists](Problems/0920.cpp) | +| 0921 | Medium | [Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid](Problems/0921.cpp) | +| 0926 | Medium | [Flip String to Monotone Increasing](Problems/0926.cpp) | +| 0931 | Medium | [Minimum Falling Path Sum](Problems/0931.cpp) | +| 0933 | Easy | [Number of Recent Calls](Problems/0933.cpp) | +| 0934 | Medium | [Shortest Bridge](Problems/0934.cpp) | +| 0938 | Easy | [Range Sum of BST](Problems/0938.cpp) | +| 0941 | Easy | [Valid Mountain Array](Problems/0941.cpp) | +| 0944 | Easy | [Delete Columns to Make Sorted](Problems/0944.cpp) | +| 0946 | Medium | [Validate Stack Sequences](Problems/0946.cpp) | +| 0947 | Medium | [Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column](Problems/0947.cpp) | +| 0950 | Medium | [Reveal Cards In Increasing Order](Problems/0950.cpp) | +| 0953 | Easy | [Verifying an Alien Dictionary](Problems/0953.cpp) | +| 0956 | Medium | [Tallest Billboard](Problems/0956.cpp) | +| 0958 | Medium | [Check Completeness of a Binary Tree](Problems/0958.cpp) | +| 0959 | Medium | [Regions Cut By Slashes](Problems/0959.cpp) | +| 0965 | Easy | [Univalued Binary Tree](Problems/0965.cpp) | +| 0969 | Medium | [Pancake Sorting](Problems/0969.cpp) | +| 0973 | Medium | [K Closest Points to Origin](Problems/0973.cpp) | +| 0974 | Medium | [Subarray Sums Divisible by K](Problems/0974.cpp) | +| 0977 | Easy | [Squares of a Sorted Array](Problems/0977.cpp) | +| 0979 | Medium | [Distribute Coins in Binary Tree](Problems/0979.cpp) | +| 0980 | Hard | [Unique Paths III](Problems/0980.cpp) | +| 0983 | Medium | [Minimum Cost For Tickets](Problems/0983.cpp) | +| 0986 | Medium | [Interval List Intersections](Problems/0986.cpp) | +| 0989 | Easy | [Add to Array-Form of Integer](Problems/0989.cpp) | +| 0990 | Medium | [Satisfiability of Equality Equations](Problems/0990.cpp) | +| 0993 | Easy | [Cousins in Binary Tree](Problems/0993.cpp) | +| 0994 | Medium | [Rotting Oranges](Problems/0994.cpp) | +| 0997 | Easy | [Find the Town Judge](Problems/0997.cpp) | +| 1008 | Medium | [Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal](Problems/1008.cpp) | +| 1011 | Medium | [Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days](Problems/1011.cpp) | +| 1014 | Medium | [Best Sightseeing Pair](Problems/1014.cpp) | +| 1019 | Medium | [Next Greater Node In Linked List](Problems/1019.cpp) | +| 1020 | Medium | [Number of Enclaves](Problems/1020.cpp) | +| 1022 | Easy | [Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers](Problems/1022.cpp) | +| 1026 | Medium | [Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor](Problems/1026.cpp) | +| 1027 | Medium | [Longest Arithmetic Subsequence](Problems/1027.cpp) | +| 1035 | Medium | [Uncrossed Lines](Problems/1035.cpp) | +| 1038 | Medium | [Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree](Problems/1038.cpp) | +| 1042 | Medium | [Flower Planting With No Adjacent](Problems/1042.cpp) | +| 1043 | Medium | [Partition Array for Maximum Sum](Problems/1043.cpp) | +| 1046 | Easy | [Last Stone Weight](Problems/1046.cpp) | +| 1047 | Easy | [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String](Problems/1047.cpp) | +| 1051 | Easy | [Height Checker](Problems/1051.cpp) | +| 1061 | Medium | [Lexicographically Smallest Equivalent String](Problems/1061.cpp) | +| 1071 | Easy | [Greatest Common Divisor of Strings](Problems/1071.cpp) | +| 1079 | Medium | [Letter Tile Possibilities](Problems/1079.cpp) | +| 1089 | Easy | [Duplicate Zeros](Problems/1089.cpp) | +| 1091 | Medium | [Shortest Path in Binary Matrix](Problems/1091.cpp) | +| 1095 | Easy | [Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits](Problems/1095.cpp) | +| 1099 | Easy | [Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side](Problems/1099.cpp) | +| 1104 | Medium | [Path In Zigzag Labelled Binary Tree](Problems/1104.cpp) | +| 1110 | Medium | [Delete Nodes And Return Forest](Problems/1110.cpp) | +| 1111 | Medium | [Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses Strings](Problems/1111.cpp) | +| 1123 | Medium | [Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves](Problems/1123.cpp) | +| 1125 | Hard | [Smallest Sufficient Team](Problems/1125.cpp) | +| 1129 | Medium | [Shortest Path with Alternating Colors](Problems/1129.cpp) | +| 1137 | Easy | [N-th Tribonacci Number](Problems/1137.cpp) | +| 1140 | Medium | [Stone Game II](Problems/1140.cpp) | +| 1143 | Medium | [Longest Common Subsequence](Problems/1143.cpp) | +| 1146 | Medium | [Snapshot Array](Problems/1146.cpp) | +| 1161 | Medium | [Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree](Problems/1161.cpp) | +| 1162 | Medium | [As Far from Land as Possible](Problems/1162.cpp) | +| 1187 | Hard | [Make Array Strictly Increasing](Problems/1187.cpp) | +| 1202 | Medium | [Smallest String With Swaps](Problems/1202.cpp) | +| 1203 | Hard | [Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies](Problems/1203.cpp) | +| 1209 | Medium | [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II](Problems/1209.cpp) | +| 1218 | Medium | [Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference](Problems/1218.cpp) | +| 1222 | Medium | [Queens That Can Attack the King](Problems/1222.cpp) | +| 1232 | Easy | [Check If It Is a Straight Line](Problems/1232.cpp) | +| 1237 | Medium | [Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation](Problems/1237.cpp) | +| 1249 | Medium | [Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses](Problems/1249.cpp) | +| 1254 | Medium | [Number of Closed Islands](Problems/1254.cpp) | +| 1261 | Medium | [Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree](Problems/1261.cpp) | +| 1277 | Medium | [Count Square Submatrices with All Ones](Problems/1277.cpp) | +| 1282 | Medium | [Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To](Problems/1282.cpp) | +| 1286 | Medium | [Iterator for Combination](Problems/1286.cpp) | +| 1290 | Easy | [Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer](Problems/1290.cpp) | +| 1302 | Medium | [Deepest Leaves Sum](Problems/1302.cpp) | +| 1305 | Medium | [All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees](Problems/1305.cpp) | +| 1310 | Medium | [XOR Queries of a Subarray](Problems/1310.cpp) | +| 1311 | Medium | [Get Watched Videos by Your Friends](Problems/1311.cpp) | +| 1312 | Hard | [Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome](Problems/1312.cpp) | +| 1314 | Medium | [Matrix Block Sum](Problems/1314.cpp) | +| 1315 | Medium | [Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent](Problems/1315.cpp) | +| 1318 | Medium | [Minimum Flips to Make a OR b Equal to c](Problems/1318.cpp) | +| 1319 | Medium | [Number of Operations to Make Network Connected](Problems/1319.cpp) | +| 1323 | Easy | [Maximum 69 Number](Problems/1323.cpp) | +| 1325 | Medium | [Delete Leaves With a Given Value](Problems/1325.cpp) | +| 1326 | Hard | [Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden](Problems/1326.cpp) | +| 1329 | Medium | [Sort the Matrix Diagonally](Problems/1329.cpp) | +| 1334 | Medium | [Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance](Problems/1334.cpp) | +| 1337 | Easy | [The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix](Problems/1337.cpp) | +| 1338 | Medium | [Reduce Array Size to The Half](Problems/1338.cpp) | +| 1339 | Medium | [Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree](Problems/1339.cpp) | +| 1342 | Easy | [Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero](Problems/1342.cpp) | +| 1343 | Medium | [Number of Sub-arrays of Size K and Average Greater than or Equal to Threshold](Problems/1343.cpp) | +| 1345 | Hard | [Jump Game IV](Problems/1345.cpp) | +| 1346 | Easy | [Check if N and Its Double Exist](Problems/1346.cpp) | +| 1347 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram](Problems/1347.cpp) | +| 1351 | Easy | [Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix](Problems/1351.cpp) | +| 1357 | Medium | [Apply Discount Every n Orders](Problems/1357.cpp) | +| 1361 | Medium | [Validate Binary Tree Nodes](Problems/1361.cpp) | +| 1367 | Medium | [Linked List in Binary Tree ](Problems/1367.cpp) | +| 1372 | Medium | [Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree](Problems/1372.cpp) | +| 1373 | Hard | [Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree](Problems/1373.cpp) | +| 1376 | Medium | [Time Needed to Inform All Employees](Problems/1376.cpp) | +| 1379 | Easy | [Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree](Problems/1379.cpp) | +| 1381 | Medium | [Design a Stack With Increment Operation](Problems/1381.cpp) | +| 1382 | Medium | [Balance a Binary Search Tree](Problems/1382.cpp) | +| 1387 | Medium | [Sort Integers by The Power Value](Problems/1387.cpp) | +| 1396 | Medium | [Design Underground System](Problems/1396.cpp) | +| 1402 | Hard | [Reducing Dishes](Problems/1402.cpp) | +| 1406 | Hard | [Stone Game III](Problems/1406.cpp) | +| 1409 | Medium | [Queries on a Permutation With Key](Problems/1409.cpp) | +| 1415 | Medium | [The k-th Lexicographical String of All Happy Strings of Length n](Problems/1415.cpp) | +| 1416 | Hard | [Restore The Array](Problems/1416.cpp) | +| 1418 | Medium | [Display Table of Food Orders in a Restaurant](Problems/1418.cpp) | +| 1425 | Hard | [Constrained Subsequence Sum](Problems/1425.cpp) | +| 1431 | Easy | [Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies](Problems/1431.cpp) | +| 1433 | Medium | [Check If a String Can Break Another String](Problems/1433.cpp) | +| 1436 | Easy | [Destination City](Problems/1436.cpp) | +| 1438 | Medium | [Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit](Problems/1438.cpp) | +| 1441 | Medium | [Build an Array With Stack Operations](Problems/1441.cpp) | +| 1442 | Medium | [Count Triplets That Can Form Two Arrays of Equal XOR](Problems/1442.cpp) | +| 1443 | Medium | [Minimum Time to Collect All Apples in a Tree](Problems/1443.cpp) | +| 1444 | Hard | [Number of Ways of Cutting a Pizza](Problems/1444.cpp) | +| 1448 | Medium | [Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree](Problems/1448.cpp) | +| 1456 | Medium | [Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length](Problems/1456.cpp) | +| 1462 | Medium | [Course Schedule IV](Problems/1462.cpp) | +| 1466 | Medium | [Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero](Problems/1466.cpp) | +| 1470 | Easy | [Shuffle the Array](Problems/1470.cpp) | +| 1472 | Medium | [Design Browser History ](Problems/1472.cpp) | +| 1476 | Medium | [Subrectangle Queries](Problems/1476.cpp) | +| 1480 | Easy | [Running Sum of 1d Array](Problems/1480.cpp) | +| 1489 | Hard | [Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree](Problems/1489.cpp) | +| 1491 | Easy | [Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary](Problems/1491.cpp) | +| 1493 | Medium | [Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element](Problems/1493.cpp) | +| 1498 | Medium | [Number of Subsequences That Satisfy the Given Sum Condition](Problems/1498.cpp) | +| 1502 | Easy | [Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence](Problems/1502.cpp) | +| 1514 | Medium | [Path with Maximum Probability](Problems/1514.cpp) | +| 1519 | Medium | [Number of Nodes in the Sub-Tree With the Same Label](Problems/1519.cpp) | +| 1523 | Easy | [Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range](Problems/1523.cpp) | +| 1525 | Medium | [Number of Good Ways to Split a String](Problems/1525.cpp) | +| 1529 | Medium | [Minimum Suffix Flips](Problems/1529.cpp) | +| 1539 | Easy | [Kth Missing Positive Number](Problems/1539.cpp) | +| 1544 | Easy | [Make The String Great](Problems/1544.cpp) | +| 1547 | Hard | [Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick](Problems/1547.cpp) | +| 1551 | Medium | [Minimum Operations to Make Array Equal](Problems/1551.cpp) | +| 1557 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes](Problems/1557.cpp) | +| 1561 | Medium | [Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get](Problems/1561.cpp) | +| 1567 | Medium | [Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product](Problems/1567.cpp) | +| 1569 | Hard | [Number of Ways to Reorder Array to Get Same BST](Problems/1569.cpp) | +| 1572 | Easy | [Matrix Diagonal Sum](Problems/1572.cpp) | +| 1575 | Medium | [Count All Possible Routes](Problems/1575.cpp) | +| 1579 | Hard | [Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable](Problems/1579.cpp) | +| 1584 | Medium | [Min Cost to Connect All Points](Problems/1584.cpp) | +| 1601 | Hard | [Maximum Number of Achievable Transfer Requests](Problems/1601.cpp) | +| 1603 | Easy | [Design Parking System](Problems/1603.cpp) | +| 1605 | Medium | [Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums](Problems/1605.cpp) | +| 1609 | Medium | [Even Odd Tree](Problems/1609.cpp) | +| 1615 | Medium | [Maximal Network Rank](Problems/1615.cpp) | +| 1626 | Medium | [Best Team With No Conflicts](Problems/1626.cpp) | +| 1630 | Medium | [Arithmetic Subarrays](Problems/1630.cpp) | +| 1637 | Medium | [Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points](Problems/1637.cpp) | +| 1638 | Medium | [Count Substrings That Differ by One Character](Problems/1638.cpp) | +| 1639 | Hard | [Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary](Problems/1639.cpp) | +| 1641 | Medium | [Count Sorted Vowel Strings](Problems/1641.cpp) | +| 1646 | Easy | [Get Maximum in Generated Array](Problems/1646.cpp) | +| 1669 | Medium | [Merge In Between Linked Lists](Problems/1669.cpp) | +| 1672 | Easy | [Richest Customer Wealth](Problems/1672.cpp) | +| 1675 | Hard | [Minimize Deviation in Array](Problems/1675.cpp) | +| 1689 | Medium | [Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers](Problems/1689.cpp) | +| 1696 | Medium | [Jump Game VI](Problems/1696.cpp) | +| 1697 | Hard | [Checking Existence of Edge Length Limited Paths](Problems/1697.cpp) | +| 1700 | Easy | [Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch](Problems/1700.cpp) | +| 1704 | Easy | [Determine if String Halves Are Alike](Problems/1704.cpp) | +| 1706 | Medium | [Where Will the Ball Fall](Problems/1706.cpp) | +| 1721 | Medium | [Swapping Nodes in a Linked List](Problems/1721.cpp) | +| 1722 | Medium | [Minimize Hamming Distance After Swap Operations](Problems/1722.cpp) | +| 1732 | Easy | [Find the Highest Altitude](Problems/1732.cpp) | +| 1743 | Medium | [Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs](Problems/1743.cpp) | +| 1751 | Hard | [Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended II](Problems/1751.cpp) | +| 1768 | Easy | [Merge Strings Alternately](Problems/1768.cpp) | +| 1769 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box](Problems/1769.cpp) | +| 1786 | Medium | [Number of Restricted Paths From First to Last Node](Problems/1786.cpp) | +| 1791 | Easy | [Find Center of Star Graph](Problems/1791.cpp) | +| 1799 | Medium | [Maximize Score After N Operations](Problems/1799.cpp) | +| 1802 | Medium | [Maximum Value at a Given Index in a Bounded Array](Problems/1802.cpp) | +| 1806 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Operations to Reinitialize a Permutation](Problems/1806.cpp) | +| 1817 | Medium | [Finding the Users Active Minutes](Problems/1817.cpp) | +| 1822 | Easy | [Sign of the Product of an Array](Problems/1822.cpp) | +| 1823 | Medium | [Find the Winner of the Circular Game](Problems/1823.cpp) | +| 1828 | Medium | [Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle](Problems/1828.cpp) | +| 1829 | Medium | [Maximum XOR for Each Query](Problems/1829.cpp) | +| 1833 | Medium | [Maximum Ice Cream Bars](Problems/1833.cpp) | +| 1834 | Medium | [Single-Threaded CPU](Problems/1834.cpp) | +| 1850 | Medium | [Minimum Adjacent Swaps to Reach the Kth Smallest Number](Problems/1850.cpp) | +| 1857 | Hard | [Largest Color Value in a Directed Graph](Problems/1857.cpp) | +| 1860 | Medium | [Incremental Memory Leak](Problems/1860.cpp) | +| 1870 | Medium | [Minimum Speed to Arrive on Time](Problems/1870.cpp) | +| 1877 | Medium | [Minimize Maximum Pair Sum in Array](Problems/1877.cpp) | +| 1884 | Medium | [Egg Drop With 2 Eggs and N Floors](Problems/1884.cpp) | +| 1910 | Medium | [Remove All Occurrences of a Substring](Problems/1910.cpp) | +| 1926 | Medium | [Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze](Problems/1926.cpp) | +| 1962 | Medium | [Remove Stones to Minimize the Total](Problems/1962.cpp) | +| 1963 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced](Problems/1963.cpp) | +| 1964 | Hard | [Find the Longest Valid Obstacle Course at Each Position](Problems/1964.cpp) | +| 1970 | Hard | [Last Day Where You Can Still Cross](Problems/1970.cpp) | +| 1971 | Easy | [Find if Path Exists in Graph](Problems/1971.cpp) | +| 1976 | Medium | [Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination](Problems/1976.cpp) | +| 1991 | Easy | [Find the Middle Index in Array](Problems/1991.cpp) | +| 1992 | Medium | [Find All Groups of Farmland](Problems/1992.cpp) | +| 2023 | Medium | [Number of Pairs of Strings With Concatenation Equal to Target](Problems/2023.cpp) | +| 2024 | Medium | [Maximize the Confusion of an Exam](Problems/2024.cpp) | +| 2039 | Medium | [The Time When the Network Becomes Idle](Problems/2039.cpp) | +| 2044 | Medium | [Count Number of Maximum Bitwise-OR Subsets](Problems/2044.cpp) | +| 2073 | Easy | [Time Needed to Buy Tickets](Problems/2073.cpp) | +| 2079 | Medium | [Watering Plants](Problems/2079.cpp) | +| 2085 | Easy | [Count Common Words With One Occurrence](Problems/2085.cpp) | +| 2090 | Medium | [K Radius Subarray Averages](Problems/2090.cpp) | +| 2095 | Medium | [Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List](Problems/2095.cpp) | +| 2101 | Medium | [Detonate the Maximum Bombs](Problems/2101.cpp) | +| 2115 | Medium | [Find All Possible Recipes from Given Supplies](Problems/2115.cpp) | +| 2120 | Medium | [Execution of All Suffix Instructions Staying in a Grid](Problems/2120.cpp) | +| 2125 | Medium | [Number of Laser Beams in a Bank](Problems/2125.cpp) | +| 2130 | Medium | [Maximum Twin Sum of a Linked List](Problems/2130.cpp) | +| 2131 | Medium | [Longest Palindrome by Concatenating Two Letter Words](Problems/2131.cpp) | +| 2140 | Medium | [Solving Questions With Brainpower](Problems/2140.cpp) | +| 2141 | Hard | [Maximum Running Time of N Computers](Problems/2141.cpp) | +| 2149 | Medium | [Rearrange Array Elements by Sign](Problems/2149.cpp) | +| 2161 | Medium | [Partition Array According to Given Pivot](Problems/2161.cpp) | +| 2177 | Medium | [Find Three Consecutive Integers That Sum to a Given Number](Problems/2177.cpp) | +| 2181 | Medium | [Merge Nodes in Between Zeros](Problems/2181.cpp) | +| 2186 | Medium | [Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram II](Problems/2186.cpp) | +| 2187 | Medium | [Minimum Time to Complete Trips](Problems/2187.cpp) | +| 2192 | Medium | [All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph](Problems/2192.cpp) | +| 2196 | Medium | [Create Binary Tree From Descriptions](Problems/2196.cpp) | +| 2215 | Easy | [Find the Difference of Two Arrays](Problems/2215.cpp) | +| 2218 | Hard | [Maximum Value of K Coins From Piles](Problems/2218.cpp) | +| 2221 | Medium | [Find Triangular Sum of an Array](Problems/2221.cpp) | +| 2225 | Medium | [Find Players With Zero or One Losses](Problems/2225.cpp) | +| 2235 | Easy | [Add Two Integers](Problems/2235.cpp) | +| 2236 | Easy | [Root Equals Sum of Children](Problems/2236.cpp) | +| 2243 | Easy | [Calculate Digit Sum of a String](Problems/2243.cpp) | +| 2244 | Medium | [Minimum Rounds to Complete All Tasks](Problems/2244.cpp) | +| 2246 | Hard | [Longest Path With Different Adjacent Characters](Problems/2246.cpp) | +| 2265 | Medium | [Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree](Problems/2265.cpp) | +| 2272 | Hard | [Substring With Largest Variance](Problems/2272.cpp) | +| 2275 | Medium | [Largest Combination With Bitwise AND Greater Than Zero](Problems/2275.cpp) | +| 2279 | Medium | [Maximum Bags With Full Capacity of Rocks](Problems/2279.cpp) | +| 2285 | Medium | [Maximum Total Importance of Roads](Problems/2285.cpp) | +| 2294 | Medium | [Partition Array Such That Maximum Difference Is K](Problems/2294.cpp) | +| 2300 | Medium | [Successful Pairs of Spells and Potions](Problems/2300.cpp) | +| 2305 | Medium | [Fair Distribution of Cookies](Problems/2305.cpp) | +| 2306 | Hard | [Naming a Company](Problems/2306.cpp) | +| 2316 | Medium | [Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph](Problems/2316.cpp) | +| 2317 | Medium | [Maximum XOR After Operations](Problems/2317.cpp) | +| 2326 | Medium | [Spiral Matrix IV](Problems/2326.cpp) | +| 2328 | Hard | [Number of Increasing Paths in a Grid](Problems/2328.cpp) | +| 2331 | Easy | [Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree](Problems/2331.cpp) | +| 2336 | Medium | [Smallest Number in Infinite Set](Problems/2336.cpp) | +| 2343 | Medium | [Query Kth Smallest Trimmed Number](Problems/2343.cpp) | +| 2348 | Medium | [Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays](Problems/2348.cpp) | +| 2352 | Medium | [Equal Row and Column Pairs](Problems/2352.cpp) | +| 2359 | Medium | [Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes](Problems/2359.cpp) | +| 2360 | Hard | [Longest Cycle in a Graph](Problems/2360.cpp) | +| 2366 | Hard | [Minimum Replacements to Sort the Array](Problems/2366.cpp) | +| 2368 | Medium | [Reachable Nodes With Restrictions](Problems/2368.cpp) | +| 2369 | Medium | [Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array](Problems/2369.cpp) | +| 2374 | Medium | [Node With Highest Edge Score](Problems/2374.cpp) | +| 2375 | Medium | [Construct Smallest Number From DI String](Problems/2375.cpp) | +| 2390 | Medium | [Removing Stars From a String](Problems/2390.cpp) | +| 2391 | Medium | [Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage](Problems/2391.cpp) | +| 2396 | Medium | [Strictly Palindromic Number](Problems/2396.cpp) | +| 2405 | Medium | [Optimal Partition of String](Problems/2405.cpp) | +| 2415 | Medium | [Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree](Problems/2415.cpp) | +| 2421 | Medium | [Number of Good Paths](Problems/2421.cpp) | +| 2428 | Medium | [Maximum Sum of an Hourglass](Problems/2428.cpp) | +| 2433 | Medium | [Find The Original Array of Prefix Xor](Problems/2433.cpp) | +| 2439 | Medium | [Minimize Maximum of Array](Problems/2439.cpp) | +| 2442 | Medium | [Count Number of Distinct Integers After Reverse Operations](Problems/2442.cpp) | +| 2444 | Hard | [Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds](Problems/2444.cpp) | +| 2448 | Hard | [Minimum Cost to Make Array Equal](Problems/2448.cpp) | +| 2461 | Medium | [Maximum Sum of Distinct Subarrays With Length K](Problems/2461.cpp) | +| 2462 | Medium | [Total Cost to Hire K Workers](Problems/2462.cpp) | +| 2465 | Easy | [Number of Distinct Averages](Problems/2465.cpp) | +| 2466 | Medium | [Count Ways To Build Good Strings](Problems/2466.cpp) | +| 2467 | Medium | [Most Profitable Path in a Tree](Problems/2467.cpp) | +| 2477 | Medium | [Minimum Fuel Cost to Report to the Capital](Problems/2477.cpp) | +| 2482 | Medium | [Difference Between Ones and Zeros in Row and Column](Problems/2482.cpp) | +| 2483 | Medium | [Minimum Penalty for a Shop](Problems/2483.cpp) | +| 2492 | Medium | [Minimum Score of a Path Between Two Cities](Problems/2492.cpp) | +| 2497 | Medium | [Maximum Star Sum of a Graph](Problems/2497.cpp) | +| 2527 | Medium | [Find Xor-Beauty of Array](Problems/2527.cpp) | +| 2542 | Medium | [Maximum Subsequence Score](Problems/2542.cpp) | +| 2545 | Medium | [Sort the Students by Their Kth Score](Problems/2545.cpp) | +| 2551 | Hard | [Put Marbles in Bags](Problems/2551.cpp) | +| 2610 | Medium | [Convert an Array Into a 2D Array With Conditions](Problems/2610.cpp) | +| 2616 | Medium | [Minimize the Maximum Difference of Pairs](Problems/2616.cpp) | +| 2620 | Easy | [Counter](Problems/2620.js) | +| 2621 | Easy | [Sleep](Problems/2621.js) | +| 2622 | Medium | [Cache With Time Limit](Problems/2622.js) | +| 2623 | Medium | [Memoize](Problems/2623.js) | +| 2626 | Easy | [Array Reduce Transformation](Problems/2626.js) | +| 2627 | Medium | [Debounce](Problems/2627.js) | +| 2629 | Easy | [Function Composition](Problems/2629.js) | +| 2632 | Medium | [Curry](Problems/2632.js) | +| 2634 | Easy | [Filter Elements from Array](Problems/2634.js) | +| 2635 | Easy | [Apply Transform Over Each Element in Array](Problems/2635.js) | +| 2636 | Medium | [Promise Pool ](Problems/2636.js) | +| 2637 | Easy | [Promise Time Limit](Problems/2637.js) | +| 2640 | Medium | [Find the Score of All Prefixes of an Array](Problems/2640.cpp) | +| 2641 | Medium | [Cousins in Binary Tree II](Problems/2641.cpp) | +| 2657 | Medium | [Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays](Problems/2657.cpp) | +| 2665 | Easy | [Counter II](Problems/2665.js) | +| 2666 | Easy | [Allow One Function Call](Problems/2666.js) | +| 2667 | Easy | [Create Hello World Function](Problems/2667.js) | +| 2676 | Medium | [Throttle](Problems/2676.js) | +| 2707 | Medium | [Extra Characters in a String](Problems/2707.cpp) | +| 2711 | Medium | [Difference of Number of Distinct Values on Diagonals](Problems/2711.cpp) | +| 2785 | Medium | [Sort Vowels in a String](Problems/2785.cpp) | +| 2807 | Medium | [Insert Greatest Common Divisors in Linked List](Problems/2807.cpp) |